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We're focused on delivering in four key impact areas:

  • Industry profitability and market access
  • Environmental health
  • Infectious disease
  • Health outcomes and health system performance.

View the Health and Biosecurity - IMPACT STRATEGY ON A PAGE.

A visual overview of our Business Impact Plan.

We're focused on delivering in four key impact areas:

  • Industry profitability and market access
  • Environmental health
  • Infectious disease
  • Health outcomes and health system performance.

View the Health and Biosecurity - IMPACT STRATEGY ON A PAGE PDF (44 KB).

Infographic flowchart showing theHealth and Biosecurity impact strategy including business goal, impact areas and impact statements. The chart also graphically displays involvement of internal programs and other business units.

The chart outlines the following information:

GOAL: To provide leadership and deliver measurable improvement in Australia’s one‑Health system: enhancing health, social, environmental and economic wellbeing in the face of increased healthcare pressures and global biosecurity threats.

Impact areas and statements

  • Industry profitability and market access:
    • Biosecurity threats to agriculture: By 2025 the social and economic impacts from exotic threats to Australia’s animal and plant industries are reduced through improved risk assessment, prioritisation, decision support and resource allocation systems, more effective and cheaper surveillance, more effective eradication and containment responses and more resilient rural communities.
    • Market access and trade: By 2025 market access and trade for Australia’s animal and plant industries protected and grown through new technologies and approaches that break through existing barriers to trade
  • Environmental health:
    • Preparedness and response to biosecurity threats: By 2025 the social and environmental impacts from exotic threats to Australia’s natural and production environments are reduced through improved prioritisation, decision support and resource allocation systems, more cost effective surveillance, eradication and containment  technologies.
    • Mitigating invasive species impacts: By 2030, environmental, social and economic impacts of widespread established pests, weeds and pathogens on biodiversity and ecosystem services in natural and production landscapes reduced through improved ecological knowledge and delivery of landscape scale, socially acceptable, biologically based management options and decision support tools.
  • Health systems and services:
    • Health services delivered remotely: Development of clinically and economically validated models for tele-enabled health services delivery for remote/very remote Australia, for uptake by State and Federal Health agencies resulting in a reduction of 30% of the addressable gaps in hospitalisation rates, mortality rates and/or service delivery rates between remote and urban Australia.
    • Data informing healthcare decision making: Deployment of data tools in healthcare settings with the aim of standardised data being used for clinical decision support and analysing health performance. These tools will lead to a reduction in adverse events such as medication errors and an increase in the productivity of the health system.
    • Australia has a digitally enabled health system: Development of a sustainable health and aged care system for Australia that enables Australians to remain in their own homes longer thereby reducing the cost and detecting earlier problems associated with ageing.
    • Precision medicine technologies Deployment of precision medicine technologies targeted at improving diagnosis, reducing futile treatment, and facilitating personalised therapy. As a result, new therapies will be developed faster and more cost effectively, patients will have less side effects, will return to the workforce sooner, and will have an improved quality of life for longer.
  • Health and wellbeing outcomes:
    • Improved health through CSIRO Diet and lifestyle health products and programs:
    • Innovation for Australian food and health industries through value added nutrition:
    • Australia has a digitally enabled health system: Development of a sustainable health and aged care system for Australia that enables Australians to remain in their own homes longer thereby reducing the cost and detecting .
    • Enhancing indigenous health outcomes: By 2030, delivery of health and nutritional services to indigenous communities across urban and regional Australia and on country are clearly improved and delivering better health and wellbeing outcomes.

Internal Programs

  • Risk Evaluation and Preparedness
  • Managing Invasive Species Impacts
  • Combating Emerging Infectious Diseases
  • eHealth

Other Business Units

  • Agriculture
  • Data61
  • Land and Water
  • Oceans and Atmosphere
  • AAHL
  • Food and Nutrition
  • Manufacturing
A visual overview of our Business Impact Plan.

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