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Queensland health food company goodMix was founded in 2012 by Naturopath Jeanie McClymont who was looking to develop a healthy ‘super-cereal’ that was quick and easy to prepare, as well as being palatable for the whole family.Bowl of cereal with fruit on top

Their product, Blend11, was developed and sales took off in local markets, it is now stocked in independent supermarkets, health food shops and directly online from goodMix. Since its inception the company has developed multiple products and has expanded into US markets.

goodMix has hundreds of testimonials from customers about how beneficial Blend11 has been for them, including the description that it is life changing. As these testimonials continued the company sought to gain some scientific evidence to support the anecdotal evidence.

The Challenge

With so many testimonials and happy returning customers, it was vital that the business undertook an independent evaluation of Blend11. The business already gained low FODMAP certification in 2017 through Monash University, but was looking to provide further scientific evidence of the health benefits of Blend11.

goodMix aimed to evaluate the microbial fermentability of the seed-mix product and how its composition (fibre and phytochemicals) and fermentability changes when the seed-mix is soaked (up to 72hrs).


Through a CSIRO Kick-Start Voucher, goodMix partnered with CSIRO Nutrition and Health researchers Damien Belobrajdic and Cuong Tran to evaluate the nutritional composition of the Blend11 product. CSIRO analysed the seed-mix in 3 different ways for comparison; raw product, soaked in water at 4°C for 24 hours and 72 hours. The seed-mix then underwent compositional analysis and in vitro fermentation.

The Results

Using the outcomes of the project, goodMix updated the nutritional panel of their Blend11 product using results from the project, which has in turn, increased interest from the low carb, keto and diabetic markets. Results have shown the tested product is well-fermented by gut microbes and can increase in vitro production of butyrate, this information is beneficial to the company as awareness grows about the health benefits of butyrtate. This characteristic providing a point of difference from other products in the market.

“Absolutely, would highly recommend, being a small business - it’s been wonderful to have access to technology & expertise that would have been totally beyond our reach to find out more about how our product works & its nutritional composition in detail.”

—Jeanie McClymont, Director, goodMix

Find out more and apply

For more information and to apply, get in touch with our CSIRO Kick-Start Program team:

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Queensland health food company goodMix was founded in 2012 by Naturopath Jeanie McClymont who was looking to develop a healthy ‘super-cereal’ that was quick and easy to prepare, as well as being palatable for the whole family.

Kick-Start helped goodMix evaluate the nutritional content of their Blend11 product.

Their product, Blend11, was developed and sales took off in local markets, it is now stocked in independent supermarkets, health food shops and directly online from goodMix. Since its inception the company has developed multiple products and has expanded into US markets.

goodMix has hundreds of testimonials from customers about how beneficial Blend11 has been for them, including the description that it is life changing. As these testimonials continued the company sought to gain some scientific evidence to support the anecdotal evidence.

The Challenge

With so many testimonials and happy returning customers, it was vital that the business undertook an independent evaluation of Blend11. The business already gained low FODMAP certification in 2017 through Monash University, but was looking to provide further scientific evidence of the health benefits of Blend11.

goodMix aimed to evaluate the microbial fermentability of the seed-mix product and how its composition (fibre and phytochemicals) and fermentability changes when the seed-mix is soaked (up to 72hrs).


Through a CSIRO Kick-Start Voucher, goodMix partnered with CSIRO Nutrition and Health researchers Damien Belobrajdic and Cuong Tran to evaluate the nutritional composition of the Blend11 product. CSIRO analysed the seed-mix in 3 different ways for comparison; raw product, soaked in water at 4°C for 24 hours and 72 hours. The seed-mix then underwent compositional analysis and in vitro fermentation.

The Results

Using the outcomes of the project, goodMix updated the nutritional panel of their Blend11 product using results from the project, which has in turn, increased interest from the low carb, keto and diabetic markets. Results have shown the tested product is well-fermented by gut microbes and can increase in vitro production of butyrate, this information is beneficial to the company as awareness grows about the health benefits of butyrtate. This characteristic providing a point of difference from other products in the market.

“Absolutely, would highly recommend, being a small business - it’s been wonderful to have access to technology & expertise that would have been totally beyond our reach to find out more about how our product works & its nutritional composition in detail.”

—Jeanie McClymont, Director, goodMix

Find out more and apply

For more information and to apply, get in touch with our CSIRO Kick-Start Program team:

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