FAQ: AUS-US Battery Researcher Exchange Network
The Australia-US Battery Researcher Exchange Network is a $700,000 initiative of the Australian Government to support local researchers in travelling to the United States of America and collaborating with US counterparts on battery technologies. The goal is to advance Australia’s research, technology and skills in battery development.
Australian citizens and permanent residents over 18 involved in battery research and development. This may include (but is not limited to):
- University researchers
- Employees of battery companies
- Individuals engaged in battery-related activities
The program will provide funding for research and development across many battery technologies including lithium (ion), sodium (ion), redox flow, metal-air batteries, Sodium Nickel Chloride (Na-NiCl, ZEBRA), Nickel Metal Hydride (Ni-MH), Lithium-Sulfur (Li-S), Sodium Sulfur (Na-S) and other next generation technologies.
Applications are invited for research collaborations in a wide range of areas including:
- Battery materials development
- Electrode fabrication
- Electrolyte development
- Cell manufacturing
- Battery management systems
- Grid integration
- Second-life applications
- Recycling
- Education and training
- Business model development
- Transport electrification (batteries)
- Long duration storage
- Battery safety and regulation
If it isn’t on the list, enquire!
Grants of up to $30,000 AUD are available for 1- to 3-month research exchanges in the USA. Funds can be used for:
- Travel to the USA before June 2026
- Living expenses
- Conference attendance
- Company and university visits
- Training courses
- Other legitimate travel expenses
We can help connect you with potential partners in the USA. Just fill out the questionnaire DOCX (41 KB).
We can help connect you with potential partners in Australia. Just fill out this questionnaire DOCX (41 KB).
Complete the online application form. You'll need to provide details about your research experience, proposed project and US host institution (if applicable). Funding will be distributed on a first-come, first-served basis for eligible projects. All travel must be completed by June 2026 and followed by an acquittal report.
Just email BatteriesR&DGrant@csiro.au.