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FAQ: SAP Ariba Business Network

Yes. The CSIRO Supplier Portal was hosted by the SAP Ariba Business Network.

You would have created a username and password on the internet to access SAP Ariba.


CSIRO Suppliers will no longer use the SAP Ariba Business Network to:

  • receive purchase orders
  • submit invoices 
  • update their details.

This does not prevent you from working with other businesses and organisations who use SAP Ariba.

No. You’ll need to contact Payment Support Centre with your change request via

SAP Ariba Business Network was the cloud-based solution CSIRO used between 29 March 2023 – 25 March 2024 to host the CSIRO Supplier Portal. It was introduced with the aim of streamlining and improving the efficiency of our procurement processes.

We recognised there were some challenges in the implementation and operation of the Supplier Portal.

We listened closely to feedback from our suppliers and employees and after careful review and consideration, we decided to cease using SAP Ariba and transition back to our previous procurement system.

FAQ: Supplier records and, details and relationship

You can contact the Payment Support Centre with your change request via or at the time of discussing a future purchase with your CSIRO buyer, you can provide them with the changed details and they will raise a request internally with our Payment Support Centre.

Please contact your CSIRO buyer/purchaser or our Payment Support Centre via to see if you already have a supplier record with us.

If we need to establish your business details, the Payment Support Centre will request written information from you including:

  • your business name, tax status, business address
  • primary contact person
  • purchase and remittance advice email addresses
  • banking details including a screenshot of your bank statement confirming the details.

The Payment Support Centre will then contact you to verify the information received.

Yes they can.

Foreign suppliers or multiple bank account holders have the option to nominate the multiple bank accounts and/currencies.

On supplier completion and submission of their new supplier setup or existing supplier change form, the CSIRO Payment Support Centre will commence verification of details.

Different countries have different requirements when receiving funds into their banks including structure of numbers and swift codes etc.

If CSIRO is seeking to establish a new trading relationship with a supplier and requires a credit application to be completed (simple and standard), the Finance Manager, Payment Support Centre completes the form on behalf of CSIRO.

If the trading credit application is complex or has special conditions, the request will be escalated by Payment Support Centre for CSIRO Legal interpretation. If the CSIRO buyer/purchaser, or supplier, requires assistance please contact us on

If you are an individual or an employee representing your employer/company/peak body/university etc to provide goods and/services to CSIRO or attending a CSIRO hosted event, then that entity is responsible for invoicing CSIRO. An Australian entity will usually have an ABN, even if not registered for GST.

If the supplier is new and not working under the auspice of an entity, as described above and meets other internal CSIRO general exception criteria, your CSIRO contact may seek consideration from the Payment Support Centre Manager for a reimbursement.

FAQ: Purchase orders and invoices

New purchase orders, from 8 April 2024, will have a number sequence commencing with: 4000xxxxx.

Purchase order numbers previously issued by SAP Ariba (46000xxxxx) and our legacy (4000xxxxx) systems will be retained to assist your bookkeeping practices.

Up to A$50,000 including GST, your CSIRO buyer/purchaser may provide you with a unique reference.

In short, it depends on the value of the purchase being made by your CSIRO buyer/purchaser.

  • Up to A$5,000 including GST - If your business has credit card facilities your CSIRO buyer/purchaser may elect to provide you with a unique reference and pay with their CSIRO Corporate Credit Card.
  • The paid tax invoice/receipt for this purchase should only go to the CSIRO buyer/purchaser. Please do not send it to Payment Support Centre as reconciliation is the responsibility of the buyer/purchaser.


  • Up to A$50,000 including GST - your CSIRO buyer/purchaser may provide you with a unique reference instead of an official purchase order number. CSIRO employees call these types of supplier invoices ‘non-PO’, or ‘service claim’, invoices. They are sometimes used for ad-hoc payments or short notice payments.

In all other instances an official purchase order number must be provided to the Supplier by our CSIRO buyer/purchaser as documented approval to incur the expense for goods and/ services on CSIRO’s behalf.

Keep your email addresses up to date with the Payment Support Centre. At the time of engaging with our team member it’s a good idea to confirm the purchase order email address we have on file for you before creating they proceed with a purchase order.

We recommend adding your CSIRO buyer/purchaser email addresses, along with Payment Support Centre, to your Email Address Book to ensure you receive purchase orders and remittance advices from us when they occur.

Please do not send marketing or promotional emails to

CSIRO is unable to accept invoices or pay for items greater than the value of the purchase order document approved and issued to you.

If you anticipate a variation in pricing, please contact your CSIRO buyer/purchaser before incurring the expense.

The CSIRO buyer/purchaser will consider your request and, where appropriate, submit a change request for the purchase order which must then be approved.

You will receive a new version of the original purchase order if this is approved.

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