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Our research spans engineering, biology and chemistry to search for integrated carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solutions. We’re developing technologies that are fast, scalable, responsible, as well as cost-effective and permanent systems for capturing and storing carbon.


Our main focus is engineering novel ways to accelerate solutions already found in nature with the help of innovative science and technology.

We’re investigating whether it is possible to accelerate natural processes of carbon dioxide removal (e.g. photosynthesis) and lock up carbon on permanent timescales (hundreds to thousands of years). In some cases, this might involve speeding up natural cycles and in others, engineering the specific mineral reactions we need to increase the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered.

handheld ore

Potential impact

To date, we have delivered an initial set of scoping, modelling and investigative projects to inform our future research activities. These projects helped lay foundations for more intensive research in our current research portfolio.

The future science and capability developed in CarbonLock has the potential to underpin new industries and reshape existing industries for Australia, with CSIRO’s science and capability at the centre.

It also helps position Australia to take full advantage of growing carbon international markets and to identify opportunities for the export and deployment of novel technologies.

Our research spans engineering, biology and chemistry to search for integrated carbon dioxide removal (CDR) solutions. We’re developing technologies that are fast, scalable, responsible, as well as cost-effective and permanent systems for capturing and storing carbon.


Our main focus is engineering novel ways to accelerate solutions already found in nature with the help of innovative science and technology.

We’re investigating whether it is possible to accelerate natural processes of carbon dioxide removal (e.g. photosynthesis) and lock up carbon on permanent timescales (hundreds to thousands of years). In some cases, this might involve speeding up natural cycles and in others, engineering the specific mineral reactions we need to increase the amount of carbon dioxide sequestered.

Potential impact

To date, we have delivered an initial set of scoping, modelling and investigative projects to inform our future research activities. These projects helped lay foundations for more intensive research in our current research portfolio.

The future science and capability developed in CarbonLock has the potential to underpin new industries and reshape existing industries for Australia, with CSIRO’s science and capability at the centre.

It also helps position Australia to take full advantage of growing carbon international markets and to identify opportunities for the export and deployment of novel technologies.

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