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Oceans are critical to life of Earth

The world's oceans are connected and collectively influence global climate, marine biodiversity, transport, and fisheries. So whilst Australian marine research often takes place within the Australian marine estate it does include important regional (e.g. fisheries) and international (e.g. oceanography, blue carbon) science collaborations.

[Music plays and an image appears of waves crashing in on the shore and text appears: Australians love the ocean]


[Image changes to show an underwater view of the ocean bed and the camera zooms in on a star fish and text appears: but so do other creatures]


[Image changes to show a small marine creature and text appears: We know of 33,000 marine species]


[Image changes to show a whale’s fin emerging out of the sea]


[Image changes to show an underwater view of a shark swimming near a diver and text appears: but as many as 470,000 are yet to be discovered]


[Image changes to show an underwater vessel moving along the ocean floor]


[Image changes to show a view of the coastline and text appears: At 13.86 million square kilometres]


[Image changes to show a school of fish swimming]


[Image changes to show a view of the Australian in the world globe which is in space and text appears: our marine estate is the 3rd largest in the world]


[Camera zooms in on Tasmania on the world globe]


[Image changes to show a view of the Great Barrier Reef and text appears: The Great Barrier Reef is the world’s largest reef system]


[Image changes to show a tropical fish swimming around a sea plant]


[Image changes to show a view of an ice shelf in the ocean with the RV Investigator in the foreground and text appears: Australia’s Antarctic Territories host deep ocean life]


[Image changes to show an orange spider like sea creature]


[Image changes to show a fish turning over in the water and the fin appears above the surface of the water and text appears: and those that surface]


[Image changes to show four penguins on an ice shelf]


[Image changes to show four people in a CSIRO Marine Research dinghy type boat and text appears: Ongoing research is helping us make new discoveries]


[Image changes to show two males reaching out to haul in a piece of marine science research equipment]


[Image changes to show the RV Investigator in the distance and icebergs in the foreground and text appears: understand how oceans are changing]


[Image changes to show an iceberg in the ocean and text appears: and how we can protect them]


[Image changes to show the cover of the OCEANS publication and text appears: Download your free copy of OCEANS now]


[Music plays and the CSIRO logo and text appears: Australia’s innovation catalyst]


[Credits appear]