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This large catchment contains four major river systems feeding into the Darling River and is an area that is largely an agricultural zone interspersed with numerous conservation areas. Kamilaroi / Gamilaraay people are keen to work with partners to find and learn more about Koalas (Guda) in this region

Finding and sharing knowledge about Koalas

The QMDCL Aboriginal rangers are working with CSIRO to develop cross-cultural monitoring methods to find and share information about koala population status and trends. This includes supporting QMDCL to collect koala data using structured survey techniques, such as on-ground transects and drone surveys. We are also co-designing a dashboard which allows koala data to be appropriately used and shared for Guda and country.

About 13 people stand around a tree looking at markings from koalas along the trunk

National Koala Monitoring Program

The NKMP is supported by the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery for Wildlife and their Habitatprogram.

This large catchment contains four major river systems feeding into the Darling River and is an area that is largely an agricultural zone interspersed with numerous conservation areas. Kamilaroi / Gamilaraay people are keen to work with partners to find and learn more about Koalas (Guda) in this region

Finding and sharing knowledge about Koalas

The QMDCL Aboriginal rangers are working with CSIRO to develop cross-cultural monitoring methods to find and share information about koala population status and trends. This includes supporting QMDCL to collect koala data using structured survey techniques, such as on-ground transects and drone surveys. We are also co-designing a dashboard which allows koala data to be appropriately used and shared for Guda and country.

Discussing guda (koalas) with Queensland Murray-Darling Catchments Aboriginal Rangers outside of Millmerran. (Image: CSIRO)

National Koala Monitoring Program

The NKMP is supported by the Australian Government’s Bushfire Recovery for Wildlife and their Habitatprogram.