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These Guidelines are a key output from a project of the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program, Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub, titled Knowledge Brokering for Indigenous Land Management.

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Our Knowledge, Our Way in caring for Country

Front cover (cropped) of the Our Knowledge, Our Way Guidelines.

Indigenous-led approaches to strengthening and sharing our knowledge for land and sea management. Best Practice Guidelines from Australian experience

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Best practice guidelines from Australian experiences

Indigenous dot work painting

Foundations of Our Knowledge Our Way

Indigenous dot work painting

Strengthening Our Knowledge for Country

Indigenous dot work painting

Sharing Our Knowledge in caring for Country

Indigenous dot work painting

How is Our Knowledge Our Way being recognised globally

Actions towards best practice to support Our Knowledge Our Way

These Guidelines are a key output from a project of the Australian Government’s National Environmental Science Program, Northern Australia Environmental Resources Hub, titled Knowledge Brokering for Indigenous Land Management.

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Our Knowledge, Our Way in caring for Country

Indigenous-led approaches to strengthening and sharing our knowledge for land and sea management. Best Practice Guidelines from Australian experience

Download individual chapters

Best practice guidelines from Australian experiences

Foundations of Our Knowledge Our Way

Strengthening Our Knowledge for Country

Sharing Our Knowledge in caring for Country

How is Our Knowledge Our Way being recognised globally

Actions towards best practice to support Our Knowledge Our Way

Our Collaborators