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A map of the Australian landmass. In the north of the country is a drop-pin labelled 'Gulumoerrgin'.

Gulumoerrgin is the Indigenous language for Darwin and the surrounding regions of Cox Peninsula and Gunn Point in the Northern Territory.

Members of the language group, Lorraine Williams, Judith Williams, Maureen Ogden, Keith Risk and Anne Risk, led the development of the Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) seasonal calendar. 1

Gulumoerrgin seasons

The Gulumoerrgin seasonal year is divided into seven main seasons:

Learning Larrakia

Words used in the Gulumoerrgin Seasons calendar:

Other plants referred to in the Gulumoerrgin Seasons calendar:

Gulumoerrgin seasons calendar

Gulumoerrgin seasons calendar


  1. Lorraine Williams, Judith Williams, Maureen Ogden, Keith Risk, Anne Risk and Emma Woodward (CSIRO). 2012. Gulumoerrgin Seasons (calendar): Larrakia, Darwin - Northern Territory, Australia. CSIRO (Land and Water).

Members of the Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) language group, from the Darwin region in the Northern Territory, partnered with CSIRO to create a calendar showcasing their seasonal ecological knowledge.

Gulumoerrgin is the Indigenous language for Darwin and the surrounding regions of Cox Peninsula and Gunn Point in the Northern Territory.

Members of the language group, Lorraine Williams, Judith Williams, Maureen Ogden, Keith Risk and Anne Risk, led the development of the Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) seasonal calendar. 1

Gulumoerrgin seasons

The Gulumoerrgin seasonal year is divided into seven main seasons:

Learning Larrakia

Words used in the Gulumoerrgin Seasons calendar:

Other plants referred to in the Gulumoerrgin Seasons calendar:

Gulumoerrgin seasons calendar

Gulumoerrgin (Larrakia) seasons calendar ©  Indigenous knowledge holders


  1. Lorraine Williams, Judith Williams, Maureen Ogden, Keith Risk, Anne Risk and Emma Woodward (CSIRO). 2012. Gulumoerrgin Seasons (calendar): Larrakia, Darwin - Northern Territory, Australia. CSIRO (Land and Water).

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