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The challenge

How to make it easy to calculate greenhouse gas emissions for farms

FarmPrint is in currently in Beta launch

Farmers are busy and calculating the greenhouse gas footprint of a farm can be time consuming.

This challenge grows for service providers and the broader ag sector including finance and investment companies who may want to evaluate a portfolio of farms.

The good news is that many farmers already collect up to 90% of the information needed to calculate their greenhouse gas footprint. There is also a range of digital data sets for climate and soils to support these calculations.

Our response

A tool that makes the most of existing data

FarmPrint has been developed to estimate farm level sustainability credentials, in particular greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.

It is designed for farm managers, service providers and the broader ag sector to support the evaluation, benchmarking and reporting on GHG emissions.

FarmPrint will not only allow a user to manually add data and see the results in a web browser, but it will also have an Application Programming Interface (API).

The API will allow FarmPrint to read data from other software and data sources, greatly reducing the need for manual data entry. It will give the ability to evaluate a whole portfolio of farms.

FarmPrint has a cradle to gate approach and conforms to Australian and IPCC reporting standards.

The tool measures not just the greenhouse gas output of on-farm activities but also the embedded emissions that are found elsewhere in the supply chain, for example in fertilisers, chemicals and diesel. It estimates Scope 1, 2 and 3 emissions.

The results

FarmPrint is currently in Beta launch!

After extensive UX design, technical validation and software development with our build partner, Eratos, the tool was released as a Beta launch.

We have a diverse range of external partners invited to get their hands on the tool and give us critical feedback to ensure a user-friendly, accurate and secure tool.

We are also getting further insights into its value proposition and desired new improvements and upgrades.

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