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An ocean cage is being set up to encounter white sharksWe've investigated the effects of berleying on shark movements and behaviour in the Neptune Islands Group Marine Park for the South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

A subsequent report [pdf · 7.3mb] released in August 2011 formed the basis for management changes in South Australia restricting the number of cage diving licences and limiting the number of operational days in the industry. The results of the study suggest berleying operations have changed the way sharks use the environment at the North Neptune Islands.

No evidence suggests these changes have been harmful to the sharks or that they may lead to changes in behaviour elsewhere.

We've investigated the effects of berleying on shark movements and behaviour in the Neptune Islands Group Marine Park for the South Australian Department of Environment and Natural Resources.

Berleying and ocean cage diving in ocean waters to view white sharks
Berleying and cage diving are used to encounter white sharks

A subsequent report [pdf · 7.3mb] released in August 2011 formed the basis for management changes in South Australia restricting the number of cage diving licences and limiting the number of operational days in the industry. The results of the study suggest berleying operations have changed the way sharks use the environment at the North Neptune Islands.

No evidence suggests these changes have been harmful to the sharks or that they may lead to changes in behaviour elsewhere.