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CSIRO has a long history of working with the livestock sector to improve the productivity, profitability and sustainability of livestock systems. Our research station in NSW's temperate environment contributes to the sustainability of Australia's livestock production systems and ensures that livestock are managed through ethical and socially acceptable practices that reduce diseases, stress and pain in farm animals. We also have our Lansdown research station in north Queensland that works with the tropical beef industry and our site at Floreat in Western Australia that focuses on sheep and cattle production in mixed farming systems.

Grazing cattle, with eGrazor device fitted to an animal to the left of image.

About the site

  • temperate climate with summer rainfall
  • 1,510 Ha (~3,730 Acre)
  • rainfall 866mm on average
  • predominantly pastures; limited cropping for livestock feed (hay, silage)
  • currently stocking ~170 cattle (86 cows + followers) and 5,790 sheep (3,119 ewes + followers).

Research areas

Animal Welfare

Livestock Genetics and Genomics

Health and resilience

Livestock facilities and laboratories

  • yarding facilities for sheep and cattle
  • animal house
  • wool shed
  • facilities for housed lambing, including video camera set up
  • feed intake facility + walk over weighing
  • physiology, immunology, molecular biology and microscopy laboratories.

CSIRO has a long history of working with the livestock sector to improve the productivity, profitability and sustainability of livestock systems. Our research station in NSW's temperate environment contributes to the sustainability of Australia's livestock production systems and ensures that livestock are managed through ethical and socially acceptable practices that reduce diseases, stress and pain in farm animals. We also have our Lansdown research station in north Queensland that works with the tropical beef industry and our site at Floreat in Western Australia that focuses on sheep and cattle production in mixed farming systems.

eGrazor fitted to cattle at our Armidale research station

About the site

  • temperate climate with summer rainfall
  • 1,510 Ha (~3,730 Acre)
  • rainfall 866mm on average
  • predominantly pastures; limited cropping for livestock feed (hay, silage)
  • currently stocking ~170 cattle (86 cows + followers) and 5,790 sheep (3,119 ewes + followers).

Research areas

Animal Welfare

Livestock Genetics and Genomics

Health and resilience

Livestock facilities and laboratories

  • yarding facilities for sheep and cattle
  • animal house
  • wool shed
  • facilities for housed lambing, including video camera set up
  • feed intake facility + walk over weighing
  • physiology, immunology, molecular biology and microscopy laboratories.

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