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By  Emily Brown 1 September 2023 11 min read

Key points

  • Engineering biology holds the key to making many products and systems more efficient and sustainable.
  • It builds on science that has been delivering benefits across health, agriculture, and other sectors for decades.
  • New technologies have risks and we're innovating responsibly to deliver benefits for all Australians.

Engineering biology, also known as synthetic biology, uses natural products and processes to create new solutions to tricky problems. 


For example, synthetic fibres create waste, pollute the environment, and take decades or even centuries to decompose. Engineering biology offers ways to make new, nature-based fibres that biodegrade easily. 


Here are some of the exciting ways engineering biology can improve sustainability. 


[music plays and a split circle appears and photos of different csiro activities flash through in either side of the circle and then the circle morphs into the csiro logo]

[image changes to show an animation image of a spinning ball with two hands moving in towards the ball from the left and right of the screen:

narrator: have you ever looked at a process or product and thought, we can make this better?

[animation image changes to show an eye, and then the animation image changes to show a spinning diamond inside a circle with networking lines moving through it]

synthetic biology or engineering biology combines engineering and biology to design completely new products.

[animation images move through to show a spinning hamburger inside the circle, a pyramid shape, and a multisided shape, and then the animation image changes to show wheat growing in a paddock]

the technology can be used to produce food with less resources; grow lower emission building materials; and produce better, stronger, smarter products, reducing our footprint on the planet.

[animation image changes to show a plant burger, and then the animation image shows half of the burger morphing into a petri dish with yeast cells inside]

have you ever tried an animal free burger thats made with proteins created by yeast cells?

[animation image changes to show a handbag, and then the animation image shows half of the handbag morphing into a mushroom]

or seen leather like fabrics made from fungi?

[animation image changes to show a spider in a web, and then the animation image shows half of the spider and web morphing into a spool of thread]

engineering biology is brewing fibres from natural products like spider silk to replace synthetic fibres. The new synbio fibres are stronger, softer and biodegradable.

[animation image changes to show half of the screen showing a pill and the other half showing a spiral rotating]

the technology is able to manufacture pharmaceuticals more cheaply and efficiently, with lower environmental impact.

[animation image changes to show a view looking up at the sun above multistorey buildings]

the possibilities are endless; new products and industries and more jobs;

[animation image changes to show wheat growing in a paddock, and then the animation image changes to show various shapes fitting together]

better, healthier food; safer more sustainable chemicals, metals and plastics;

[animation image changes to show a peaceful lake scene, and then the animation image changes to show a rotating ct scanner]

new biological products that can remove pollution from the environment or speed up critical medical processes.

[animation image changes to show a female watching a drone from a balcony of a building and the csiro biofoundry can be seen in the background]

csiro has achieved a lot over the last six years but were only just scratching the surface. We built the csiro biofoundry, a state-of-the-art robotic bioengineering facility.

[animation image changes to show a robotic machine filling multiple test tubes in trays]

we can rapidly design, build and test new cellular factories on a massive scale.

[animation image changes to show cells under a microscope, and then the animation image changes to show a flower type shape appearing inside a circle]

what used to take years now takes months or weeks. Potentially world changing technology requires people from all areas of science and technology and many broader disciplines to contribute their expertise.

[animation image shows the flower shape circling and rotating and then morphing into a sphere within three circles, and then the animation image changes to show a person blinking]

we must work together to reimagine new systems and new products and to create a truly circular economy. We need you.

[animation image changes to show three interlocking circles and text appears inside: food and agriculture, health and medicine, defence and manufacturing]

from food and agriculture, to health, medicine, defence and manufacturing,

[animation image changes to show coloured ribbons leading to the centre of a circle, and then the camera pans down the coloured ribbons]

csiros roadmap has shown there are huge social, environmental and economic opportunities for australia.

[animation image shows the coloured ribbons morphing into a spinning ball and hands appear either side of the ball, and then the image changes to show the csiro logo and text appears: csiro, australias national science agency]

when developed responsibly, engineering biology can help us address and overcome the biggest challenges of our time.

[music plays]

Engineering biology: a world of opportunity

It sounds futuristic. But engineering biology builds on science that has been delivering benefits across health, agriculture, and other sectors for decades. 

Take insulin, for example, which is used to treat diabetes. This pharmaceutical is made through a process called precision fermentation. Precision fermentation uses genetically programmed microorganisms to create useful products. Adding these microorganisms to a bioreactor, along with the right nutrients, can produce a compound identical to the insulin our bodies produce naturally. This process is also used to make rennet for cheese and many other useful goods. 

Advances in engineering biology are now revolutionising processes like precision fermentation. Microorganisms can be engineered in a matter of months or even weeks. New designs for bioreactors are making these processes cheaper and more efficient. Using artificial intelligence (AI) and machine learning, scientists can test out how these innovations will perform before they even reach the lab. 

Innovating responsibly

Exciting new science and technology comes with important questions about how we use it, what the risks are, and who it impacts. As Australia’s national science agency, improving the lives of people everywhere is at the core of what we do. 

Our researchers are focussed on pursuing innovation responsibly, by asking the difficult questions up front. This way, our future technologies are shaped and guided by the Australian public.  

How do we do it?


[music plays and a split circle appears and photos of different csiro activities flash through in either side of the circle and then the circle morphs into the csiro logo]

[image changes to show an animation of a sun rising and birds flying across the horizon]

narrator: synthetic biology or engineering biology is a frontier technology.

[animation images move through to show a plant-based hamburger and yeast cells, a synthetic handbag and a mushroom, and a spider web and a reel of thread]

we design solutions to problems and useful products from the building blocks of life using dna as the blueprint.

[animation image changes to show a dna strand inside a block]

engineering biology can produce new, better, more sustainable products.

[animation image changes to show a question mark inside a circle]

but just because something can be done, should it?

[animation images move through to show ribbons spinning below circles, a slide under a microscope, and a person with a smartphone, and text appears on the screen: csiro public perspectives towards using gene drive for invasive species management in australia]

every time we push forward with new science and technology, when we explore new research or new products, new industries, and completely new systems, we ask, is society informed about the potential risks and benefits?

[animation images move through to show a researcher working, a director badge on a lanyard, a set of balance scales, a pinpoint appearing above a house in a suburb, and a photo being selected from a set of three]

will it be safe? Who is responsible if something goes wrong? Will this change create inequities in society? Who is being exposed to the risks? Who gets to choose what innovations progress?.

[animation image changes to show a glowing light bulb]

at csiro we are focussed on innovation done responsibly.

[animation image changes to show two researchers either side of a circle with two hexagons inside, and then notes appear either side of the hexagons with an exclamation mark, tick and cross]

we consider what could happen if and when new science and technology is introduced into the world.

[animation image changes to show a pill bottle, and then the animation image changes to show two different containers of weed killer]

understanding what might make something acceptable or not is important so that researchers and innovators can design new products that meet the needs of societies.

[animation image changes to show a factory belching smoke into the air]

the stakes have never been higher.

[animation image changes to show a drone moving around a city]

to help solve some of australias and the world's greatest challenges we need innovation more than ever.

[animation image changes to show a sun rising and birds flying across the horizon, and then the animation image changes to show a world globe spinning in a night sky]

by carefully considering the impacts and risks before we deploy solutions at scale, we can ensure that engineering biology products can benefit all australians.

[music plays and the image changes to show the csiro logo, and text appears: csiro, australias national science agency]

Innovating responsibly with engineering biology.


Ending plastic waste


We’re harnessing the power of engineering biology to tackle the pollution caused by plastic waste. Our Ending Plastic Waste Mission has a goal of an 80 per cent reduction in the amount of plastic waste entering the Australian environment by 2030. Engineering biology is just one of the many areas of science we are using to achieve this mission

To uncover how, we are zooming right into the level of living cells. Cells contain thousands of different types of protein-based machines called enzymes, which act as important catalysts. Each enzyme helps speed up a particular chemical reaction, which keeps the cell healthy and functioning.

With engineering biology, we can create new cells and microorganisms that release the specific enzymes we need to speed up certain chemical reactions. 

One of the big issues in recycling plastics is that mechanical methods can only break the plastic down to a certain level. But enzymes can give us new ways to turn the plastic back to its building blocks. From there, we can reuse it to make a range of products, and keep it out of our environment.

Learn about the clever ways enzymes can help us tackle plastic waste


[music plays and a split circle appears and photos of different csiro activities flash through in either side of the circle and then the circle morphs into the csiro logo]

[image changes to show an animation of a hand holding a disposable plastic drink cup, and then the animation image changes to show discarded plastic littering the ocean]

narrator: plastic is incredible but it also causes lots of problems when it is discarded as it doesnt rapidly break down. Plastic litters the environment, particularly our oceans.

[image shows text appearing inside a circle in the foreground: 80% reduction in plastic waste]

csiros goal is an 80% reduction in plastic waste entering the australian environment by 2030.

[animation image changes to show a bin with a recyclable symbol on the side]

one way to reduce plastic waste is to treat existing plastic as a resource, not a problem.

[animation image shows the bin lid flipping back and drink bottles inside the bin, and then a drink bottle appearing above the bin, and the recyclable symbol and text appears: pet plastics]

pet plastics are one example of a recyclable plastic.

[animation image shows the bottle spinning inside a circle, and then the animation image changes to show a plastic park bench]

but current mainstream recycling technology doesnt produce the same quality pet plastic, so it can only be used for a limited range of products.

[animation image changes to show two researchers with a circle with two hexagons inside between them]

synthetic biology or engineering biology is tackling this problem.

[animation image changes to show a researcher at work, and a spinning bottle appears on the right, and text appears: new enzyme]

with new enzyme technologies being developed at csiro to degrade a range of plastics we could better manage environmental pollution and improve recycling.

[animation image changes to show three spinning enzyme models]

enzymes are proteins that speed up chemical reactions.

[animation image changes to show materials moving around and an enzyme appearing amongst them, and then the animation image changes to show a plastic bottle]

scientists have discovered that organisms can evolve new enzymes to break down unfamiliar chemicals or materials in their environments like plastics.

[animation image changes to show a close view of a hand holding a spray bottle labelled enzymes, and spraying a pet bottle with it]

our scientists can take those naturally produced enzymes and make them even better at the jobs we want them to do using engineering biology.

[animation image shows the pet bottle breaking into small pieces, and then the animation image shows the small pieces moving up and reforming into a plastic container]

in this case, breaking down plastic to its building blocks so it can be reused to make a bigger range of high-quality products and reduce plastic waste.

[animation image changes to show a peaceful lake scene, and then the image changes to show a spinning circular shape, and text appears in circles around the shape: jobs, infrastructure economic benefit]

this technology will improve sustainability by addressing plastic waste and reducing the need to make new plastic from petrochemicals, reducing the plastic entering the system and more effectively reusing whats already here.

[animation image changes to show a turtle swimming through the ocean amongst fish and coral, and then the animation image changes to show two people watching birds flying through the sky]

this is how we build a circular economy and create new industries, creating safer, plastic free oceans for our marine life and reducing greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental impacts.

[music plays and the image changes to show the csiro logo, and text appears: csiro, australias national science agency]

Tackling plastic waste with engineering biology

Cleaning up food waste

Let’s  consider how engineering biology can help tackle another sustainability issue: food waste. About 7.6 million tonnes of food goes to waste in Australia each year. That’s about 312kg per person!

This could be reduced by redistributing surplus food to areas where people need it most. Or by industries making changes to how food is produced and supplied.

Other strategies can help make sure the food we throw out at home doesn’t just go to landfill. Engineering biology can play an exciting role in this, for example by turning food waste into a filling meal for Australian livestock. 

As you’ll see, enzymes play an important part in this. But there’s also a new waste superhero on the scene: black soldier fly larvae. Take a look at how these insects are helping fight food waste. 


[music plays and a split circle appears and photos of different csiro activities flash through in either side of the circle and then the circle morphs into the csiro logo]

[image changes to show a six-way split screen showing symbols of a house, a pizza, a computer, medical instruments, a t-shirt on a coat hanger, and a solar panel]

narrator: think about what you use every day.

[animation image changes to show the six symbols moving through one at a time]

things like food, clothes, housing, medical devices, transport and energy.

[animation image changes to show a soccer ball, and then the animation image changes to show a factory belching smoke]

many materials, chemicals and fibres are made from non-renewable products and petrochemicals, oil and gas. Making them produces harmful pollutants that get into our air, water and soil.

[animation image changes to show a rubbish truck]

and our systems for managing waste and resources are struggling to keep pace.

[animation image changes to show a dna strand inside a circle, and then the animation image shows a cursor forming a box around the dna strand]

but synthetic biology or engineering biology is allowing us to create new biobased products that are better and more sustainable.

[animation image shows a circle appearing on the left and right of the dna strand, and symbols appear inside the circles showing a hand holding a pet bottle, and a hazardous waste symbol]

its not just production, engineering biology could also revolutionise the way we break down waste and even clean up chemical spills.

[animation image changes to show two researchers with a dna strand inside a circle between them]

were partnering with universities, businesses and governments to create solutions and new products.

[animation image changes to show a microorganism inside a circle, and then the image shows the microorganism releasing enzymes to break down the incoming toxins]

one example is creating new cells and organisms that can identify contaminants and respond by releasing enzymes to break them down.

[animation image changes to show a pile of food waste at a dump, and text appears: food waste management]

lets talk about how we could better manage food waste using engineering biology.

[animation image shows a rubbish truck backing up to the pile of food waste and dumping a load]

some food scraps go into landfill or home composting.

[animation image changes to show a screen full of larvae]

some scraps can be processed in large scale factories where they are digested by black soldier fly larvae.

[animation image changes to show hens pecking larvae from a food plate]

the larvae are then converted into animal feed, a sustainable solution but it could be better.

[camera zooms in on the larvae, and then three circles appear showing symbols of a plastic bottle, a bug, and a chemical bottle inside]

this system has a lot of potential but a major challenge for the fly larvae is the contaminants. Things like plastics, pesticides or toxic chemicals.

[animation image changes to show a symbol of a fly larvae with a dna strand moving behind it, and then the image shows coloured dots moving out from the larvae]

using engineering biology we give these fly larvae a boost so they can deal with these contaminants.

[animation image changes to show the screen full of larvae breaking down various coloured dots]

this means engineering the insects to be able to make and excrete new enzymes to break down waste and chemicals, making fly larvae even more impressive waste superheroes.

[animation image changes to show various cells, and then the animation image changes to show a hand holding a petri dish, and then the animation image changes to show models of molecules]

this technology opens doors to create other organisms, ones that can deal with contaminants and produce new, naturally made enzymes and products,

[image changes to show the csiro logo, and text appears: csiro, australias national science agency]

making the things we use every day better and more sustainable.

[music plays]

Cleaning up food waste with engineering biology.

The innovative field of engineering biology is bringing together scientists and engineers from disciplines as diverse as AI, molecular biology, chemistry, manufacturing, and social science. With this wide-ranging expertise, it’s set to help tackle Australia’s biggest challenges, and make our industries more sustainable.