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Climate change and variability affect almost every aspect of our lives. We are tackling the climate change challenge by improving climate knowledge and services, developing low emissions technologies and helping to build resilient communities in Australia, our region and the world.

CSIRO has a broad portfolio of climate-related research and capabilities, which aims to help Australia respond to the challenges of climate change and contribute to Australia’s emissions reductions.

We work with Australian and international universities, industry organisations, research organisations, government agencies, and governments at every level to better understand, plan for, adapt to, and mitigate climate change.

Take a deep dive into our research on climate change and decarbonisation.

Our experts

Dr Jaci Brown

Research Director (Oceans & Atmosphere)

Jaci's research has spanned tropical oceanography, climate projections including impacts on natural disasters like bushfires, fisheries, high resolution ocean defence tools, and seasonal atmospheric processes in Australia.

Dr Pep Canadell

Chief Research Scientist

Pep focuses on collaborative and highly integrative research to develop Australian, regional, and global budgets and trend analyses of the main greenhouse gases including, carbon dioxide, methane, and nitrous oxide. He also studies the size and vulnerability of Australian and the Earth’s carbon pools, carbon-climate feedbacks, and pathways to decarbonisation to stabilise the climate.

Dr Kathy McInnes

Kathleen expertise lies in analysis of climate model simulations and modelling of coastal sea levels under current and future climate conditions and assessing the impacts of changes in the coastal zone. She has been a contributing author on IPCC assessment reports and a lead author on the IPCC Special Report on Extremes.

Michael Grose

Research scientist (Oceans & Atmosphere)

Dr Michael Battaglia

Mission Lead, Towards Net Zero Mission (Agriculture & Food)

Michael’s focus is building capability to assist Australia's transition to net zero with particular focus on hard to abate sectors (Steel, Agriculture and Transport), regional economies and scaling negative emission technologies.

Dr Dietmar Tourbier

Deputy Director and Science Director, Energy (Energy)

Dietmar focus is solving current and future energy challenges to enable the transition to lower emissions energy future.

Dr Graham Bonnett

Mission Lead, Drought Resilience Mission

Graham is focused on identify ways of reducing the impacts of drought on agriculture, communities and the environment.

Dr Andrew Lenton

Director, CarbonLock Future Science Platform

Dr Andrew Lenton leads CSIRO's research in carbon dioxide removal. He is engaged in national and international efforts in reaching net zero and transitioning to a net-negative world.

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