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28 August 2023 Partner Release

In partnership with the Government of South Australia and some of the state’s leading businesses we have launched SA ZERO (ZERO CARBON/ ZERO WASTE), a landmark cross-sector private, public and not-for-profit collaboration aimed at accelerating South Australia’s journey to Net Zero Carbon by 2050.
The Committee for Adelaide will lead the initiative with launch partners RAA, Flinders Port Holdings, BHP, University of Adelaide, Australia’s national science agency CSIRO, Commonwealth Bank of Australia and the Government of South Australia.
SA ZERO members will work with government and academia to develop and implement strategies to help South Australian businesses lower their emissions. It will consider energy efficiency measures, increased use of renewable energy, electrification, zero waste solutions, the rapid transition to a more circular economy, carbon capture and storage, and the adoption of new sustainable technologies.
“South Australia is already a leader in sustainability and decarbonisation, but we know that our State’s pathway to net zero will require close partnerships between government, academia and industry,” said Committee for Adelaide CEO Sam Dighton.
“The SA ZERO initiative brings together the leadership and expertise of some of the State’s most influential companies and creates a really powerful collective that can help other businesses learn and implement meaningful changes while reducing duplication of effort.
“This is an important initiative for the long-term sustainability of South Australia demonstrates the Committee’s commitment to driving the conversation about doing what’s best for the future of our city and State.”
SA ZERO was developed and funded by Green Industries SA and the Department of Trade and Investment and has now been powered by industry and the Committee for Adelaide.
“To transform South Australia to a more circular economy we have to continue to press our first mover advantage,” said Deputy Premier Susan Close.
“We know that to meet our targets for reducing our impact on climate change we must strive not only for net zero carbon but for zero waste as well.
“Renewable energy still leaves us with a shortfall in reducing our carbon footprint, zero waste with a more circular economy to keep valuable resources in circulation for as long as possible is a critical part the pathway to net zero.
“The cluster concept will connect South Australian businesses to share successful skills and strategies for a more sustainable future.”
“The transition to net zero is urgent and requires new patterns of collaboration to enable Australia to prosper in a low carbon world," CSIRO's Towards Net Zero Mission Lead Dr Michael Battaglia said. 
“Together, SA ZERO can lead a coordinated effort with member organisations creating opportunities for South Australia that not only reduce emissions but deliver new economic, social and environmental benefits.”
Originally published by the Committee for Adelaide