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15 September 2021 Statement

An expert in Quantum Optics, Professor Huntington joins CSIRO from the Australian National University (ANU), where she is Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science.

CSIRO Chief Executive, Dr Larry Marshall said Professor Huntington’s experience using scientific solutions to solve complex challenges meant she was well placed to lead the multidisciplinary Digital, National Facilities and Collections portfolio. 

“Elanor is renowned for bringing together the different aspects of people, technology and society, to solve real problems for real people," Dr Marshall said. 

“Innovation happens at the intersection of people and perspectives, which will be critical as she leads a world-class team helping CSIRO to drive Australia’s recovery and future resilience, including reshaping industries through AI and providing national labs and scientific infrastructure for the nation."  

During her time at ANU, Elanor helped bring about significant transformation, forming three new Schools of Computing, Cybernetics and Engineering with a unifying clarity, focus and purpose.  She oversaw the creation of purpose-built, state-of-the-art infrastructure and cross-sector partnerships that will serve as the platform for the next generation of innovation.

Professor Huntington said we are experiencing a transformative period in the interaction between technology and society, and it was an exciting time to be joining CSIRO. 

“CSIRO is a really special place, that is woven through the fabric of Australian science and innovation, and it is an absolute privilege to be invited to be a part of this great organisation,” Professor Huntington said.  

An established senior leader, Professor Huntington has Board appointments with Innovation Science Australia, Significant Capital Ventures, Questacon, and other government scientific advisory roles.

Earlier this month, CSIRO made another appointment to its Executive Team, with Jonathan Law taking on the role of Executive Director, Growth.

Mr Law has led CSIRO’s Mineral Resources business unit for the past decade and has been with CSIRO for nearly 20 years.

As Executive Director Growth he will drive the expansion of CSIRO’s new program of missions – large scale, major scientific and collaborative research initiatives, aimed at solving some of Australia’s greatest challenges.

He will also oversee CSIRO’s international partnerships and presence to deliver national benefit, as well as commercial partnerships to drive Australia’s recovery.

Dr Marshall said Mr Law has a strong track record leading market facing teams that turn science into solutions.

“He is well placed to lead the Growth Team, strengthening our customer and collaborative partnerships and commercialisation pathways,” Dr Marshall said.

Professor Huntington will replace Dr Dave Williams who is retiring after nine years at CSIRO, and Mr Law will replace Nigel Warren following his move back to the US to take up the position of commissioner for the Victorian State Government.


Professor Elanor Huntington, Executive Director – Digital, National Facilities and Collections
Jonathan Law, Executive Director Growth