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22 April 2021 Partner Release

Signatories to the agreement say the MoU reflects their effort to advance Antarctic and Southern Ocean collaborations together, along with other project partners from Tasmania, with a focus on engineering and technology.

University of Tasmania Vice-Chancellor Professor Rufus Black said: “Hobart is a global polar hub, and this Centre is a reflection of the spirit of co-operation that runs throughout the Antarctic community here.

“The Centre is an opportunity to pool our expertise, and establish a framework to collaborate on technology and engineering innovations, expand training and educational opportunities, increase workforce expertise, and better support the existing workforce.”

Australian Antarctic Division (AAD) Director, Mr Kim Ellis said the Centre will fulfil an important priority in the Australian Antarctic Strategy and 20-year Action Plan, to advance Australia’s interests in Antarctica by building Tasmania’s status as a global polar research hub.

“There is a real desire for organisations to collaborate for better Antarctic and Southern Ocean outcomes, and this Centre will help to achieve that by strengthening and formalising the already high levels of cooperation between the AAD, CSIRO and UTAS and provide opportunities to work with other project partners from across Tasmania,” Mr Ellis said.

CSIRO Director of National Collections and Marine Infrastructure, Ms Toni Moate, said the Centre will leverage on each organisation’s expertise to support Antarctic and Southern Ocean engineering and technology outcomes.

“Australia is uniquely placed at the gateway to the Southern Ocean, with world-class expertise in understanding this remote environment to equip us with solutions to global challenges,” Ms Moate said.

“CSIRO is proud to work closely with our partners in Tasmania to formalise our joint initiatives.

We are bringing together infrastructure and expertise, improving information processing capabilities, exploring new areas of science, and creating opportunities for polar and marine staff and students.”

Professor Black said the Centre and its MoU reflect the University’s mission to make a difference for lutruwita/Tasmania, and from Tasmania to the world.

“Our mission requires us to work in deep and sustained partnerships with organisations and people who are also committed to creating that better future,” he said.

This media release was originally published here: