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9 November 2020 Statement

We are thrilled to congratulate CSIRO’s Chief Scientist, Dr Cathy Foley, on her appointment as Australia’s Chief Scientist, from January 2021.

The appointment is testament to Cathy’s personal scientific excellence, her broad vision for Australia through her invaluable work at CSIRO, and her commitment and role-modelling for diversity and inclusion for the next generation of scientists.

Cathy has been with CSIRO for nearly 36 years, beginning as a research scientist, working in manufacturing, and becoming CSIRO’s Chief Scientist in August 2018.

Among her many achievements, her team’s breakthrough work in ‘SQUID’ systems for mineral exploration were commercialised in LANDTEM technology, which has led to mineral discoveries worth more than $6 billion.

As CSIRO’s Chief Scientist, Cathy has led the development of a Quantum Technology Roadmap for Australia, championed emerging and future areas of science research and capability within CSIRO, and been a high-profile and inspiring advocate for science and STEM careers.

Her scientific excellence and influential leadership have been recognised with numerous awards and fellowships, including a Eureka Prize for the promotion of science and NSW Woman of the Year, culminating in receiving an Officer of the Order of Australia earlier this year.

We look forward to continuing to work closely with her as CSIRO helps deliver on Cathy’s vision for science in Australia.


Dr Cathy Foley FAA FTSE – Chief Scientist, CSIRO