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17 May 2017 Statement

Dr Worby will spearhead Australia’s largest group of ocean and atmospheric scientists within a single institution who conduct research in the areas of atmosphere and air quality, climate and Earth systems, fisheries, marine and coastal resources, coastal management, and oceanography.

Dr Peter Mayfield, CSIRO Executive Director for Environment, Energy and Resources, said CSIRO’s marine and atmospheric science is vital to a sustainable future.

“CSIRO Oceans and Atmosphere is a major player here in Australia and globally, collaborating with governments, universities, industry and the community to build fundamental knowledge and develop innovative solutions to some of the biggest challenges impacting our environmental and marine resources,” Dr Mayfield said.

“I’m confident that Dr Worby brings to CSIRO the right skills to lead our team as we continue to provide expertise, and strengthen the partnerships, that will secure our prosperity, promote sustainable development and protect our atmospheric and marine environment into the future.”

Dr Worby has extensive leadership experience in marine and atmospheric research, coming to CSIRO from the Antarctic Climate and Ecosystems Cooperative Research Centre, where he was appointed CEO in 2014. He has also previously held executive and leadership roles with CSIRO’s former Division of Marine and Atmospheric Research and the Australian Antarctic Division.

After completing undergraduate studies in oceanography and meteorology, and Honours study into the heat budget of the Antarctic sea ice zone, Dr Worby completed a PhD focused on sea ice physics and the role of Antarctic sea ice in the global climate system. He worked for many years as a research scientist with the Australian Antarctic program and has authored more than 60 peer-reviewed scientific papers. Dr Worby has also visited Antarctica 17 times and participated in more than a dozen multi-disciplinary marine science programs in the sea ice zone.

Dr Worby will commence with CSIRO in August 2017.

Dr Tony Worby

Director (Oceans & Atmosphere)