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3 March 2016 News Release

The event, which is being jointly run by CSIRO, the Tasmanian Department of State Growth and the AusIndustry Entrepreneurs’ Programme, will showcase a range of technologies that can help manufacturers boost their productivity and become more innovative and globally competitive.

Organised in response to the industry needs identified at the 2015 Tasmanian Advanced Manufacturing Summit, the expo will demonstrate how CSIRO expertise and technologies like metallic 3D printing, wearable tech and robotic sensing can help Tasmanian businesses transition to new areas of growth.

CSIRO Manufacturing Director, Dr Keith McLean, said participants would have an opportunity to meet with scientists and strengthen their links with research experts in high performance manufacturing, additive manufacturing and advanced materials, while connecting with national and international incubator, accelerator and research networks.

“The expo will showcase the latest trends in sensing technologies, robotics, new alloys, software engineering, data analytics and machine learning, and more,” Dr McLean said.

“Businesses will also learn how they can access Government support to engage with researchers to further develop their skills and capabilities.”

In addition to CSIRO experts, the event will feature presentations from international corporation Boeing, and Australian businesses A. W. Bell, and Oventus.

Demonstrations will include:

  • Sensors and detection
  • Additive manufacturing using cold spray
  • Lab 22 3D printing
  • New alloys for shipbuilding
  • Surface hardening of steel and repair of damaged tools
  • FASTER robotic electrochemistry and sensors for fisheries
  • Robotics for confined spaces
  • Data analytics - machine learning
  • Data visualisation
  • Internet of things (IoT)

The event will commence at 9am at the Silverdome.

Events Details
Date: Thursday 3 March 2016
Time: 9.00 am – 3.00pm
Location: Silverdome
55 Oakden Road, Prospect

Interview and photo opportunities:

  • Robots
  • Various high tech manufacturing ops, including 3D printed objects
  • Dr Anita Hill, Executive Director of Future Industries, CSIRO
  • Dr Keith Mclean, Director of Manufacturing, CSIRO.


Data61 researchers with robots enabling Guardian suite of technologies.
Researchers in CSIRO’s Lab 22 at Clayton, Victoria. © 
3D printed objects made in CSIRO’s Lab 22 at Clayton, Victoria.
Chad Henry and Stefan Gulizia with the 3D printed titanium heal bone.
Polymer engineering extrusion.
Mr David Fox using the 3D Printer creating components for Instrumentation.
Dr Lee Hubble using the hamilton microlab STARlet liquid handling workstation for high-throughput sensor fabrication.