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21 July 2015 Statement

Brendan started his career at CSIRO and is now returning after 25 years. As CIO, he will be responsible for leading and implementing the Information Management and Technology (IM&T) strategy and managing a team of around 250 across 30 sites.

Brendan has extensive experience in government designing and managing enterprise ICT service delivery, delivering data solutions to support evidence based decision making, and in the innovative use of technology to deliver digital services to industry and citizens.

He has held senior roles in technology management and service delivery across a number of agencies including as CIO of the Department of Climate Change, and most recently working with the Department of Immigration and Border Protection.

Within CSIRO, IM&T delivers reliable corporate services, collaboration tools (for both internal and external stakeholders), scientific platforms application development, and specialist eResearch services.  It covers working with big data, visualisation capabilities, supercomputing, cloud services and making data publically accessible.

“I am excited to be taking on the role and want to build on the momentum that the CSIRO IM&T team has established over many years in supporting both corporate and research computing needs,” Brendan said.  

“The IM&T team has the ability to build some truly great national computing infrastructure and to support CSIRO’s reform journey through targeted information management solutions,” he added.

IM&T is part of CSIRO National Facilities and Collections, that also includes the Marine National Facility, Astronomy and Space Science, the Australian Animal Health Laboratory and National Research Collections.

The Executive Director of National Facilities and Collections, David Williams said “Brendan will bring a wide range of skills to the organisation and will help us spearhead the development of all our ongoing computing facilities that will underpin the future performance of CSIRO science and innovation.”

Brendan takes over from Euan Sangster who has been acting in the role for the last nine months. He officially commenced on the 6 July and will be based in Canberra.


Mr Brendan Dalton, CSIRO Chief Information Officer
The Bragg Graphic Processing Unit Cluster a high performance computing platform available at CSIRO.