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7 February 2014 News Release

CSIRO has joined a partnership with online education company 3P Learning, the company which developed the e-learning tool Mathletics.

The 3D Online Education partnership will bring computer scientists from CSIRO together with science education experts from 3P Learning to develop ‘immersive learning’ environments for their platform IntoScience which will mirror real-life places. This will allow students across Australia to explore these locations from their home or classroom while improving their science skills along the way.

“Imagine walking beneath the dense canopy of the Daintree rainforest, understanding the forces holding up the Sydney Harbour Bridge or exploring the life found amongst the elaborate underground structures of the Jenolan Caves,” CSIRO Research Leader Professor Jay Guo said.

“We’re very excited to be working with the team at 3P Learning to integrate their latest educational resource IntoScience with high-definition panoramic video and 3D models of real places scanned using our award winning laser mapping technology Zebedee.”

Using their avatar, students will embark on a journey from their own research lab. As they progress through quests, they will explore the surrounding environment and complete inquiry based learning tasks which test their core science skills and gain rewards.

A unique feature will be the ability for students to transition between exploration of the virtual world and viewing HD panoramic video from the exact same location in the real world.

Tim Power, Managing Director of 3P Learning said the company’s educational resources are about evolving the learning experience beyond the static textbook.“We’re expanding IntoScience to include highly engaging real-life environments which meet teacher curriculum and student engagement needs,” Mr Power said.

“Many students may never get the chance to experience these locations, or their teachers may want to explore them before they venture out on a real excursion. By creating them digitally we can offer rich locations for all children to develop their science skills.”

It is hoped to have school students in grades five to eight trialling the new real-life landscapes by mid 2014.


Zebedee scanner in use at a historic location.
Lawrence is a robot helper that accompanies students on their quests throughout the 3D world of IntoScience.
IntoScience currently uses generic digitally created landscapes but the new environments developed with CSIRO will be digital replicas of real life iconic locations such as forests, structures or underground caves.
Students create their own avatar and start their quests from their virtual lab into the biodome.

Background information

This project is funded by the Australian Government.

To register your school’s interest in the trial visit IntoScience.