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By  Jens Blotevogel Naomi Boxall 10 February 2025 5 min read

Lithium-ion batteries are part of everyday life. They power small rechargeable devices such as mobile phones and laptops. They enable electric vehicles. And larger versions store excess renewable energy for later use, supporting the clean energy transition.

Australia produces more than 3,000 tonnes of lithium-ion battery waste a year. Managing this waste is a technical, economic and social challenge. Opportunities exist for recycling and creating a circular economy for batteries. But they come with risk.

That’s because lithium-ion batteries contain manufactured chemicals such as PFAS, or per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances. The chemicals carry the lithium – along with electricity – through the battery. If released into the environment, they can linger for decades and likely longer. This is why they’ve been dubbed “forever chemicals”.

Recently, scientists identified a new type of PFAS known as bis-FASIs (short for bis-perfluoroalkyl sulfonimides) in lithium-ion batteries and in the environment. Bis-FASIs have since been detected in soils and waters worldwide. They are toxic – just one drop in an Olympic-size swimming pool can harm the nervous system of animals. Scientists don’t know much about possible effects on humans yet.

Bis-FASIs in lithium-ion batteries present a major obstacle to recycling or disposing of batteries safely. Fortunately, we may have come up with a way to fix this.

There’s value in our battery wastes

Currently, Australia only recycles about 10% of its battery waste. The rest is sent to landfill.

But landfill sites could leak eventually. That means disposal of battery waste in landfill may lead to soil and groundwater contamination.

We can’t throw away lithium-ion batteries in household rubbish because they can catch fire.

So once batteries reach the end of useful life, we must handle them in a way that protects the environment and human health.

What’s more, there’s real value in battery waste. Lithium-ion batteries contain lots of valuable metals that are worth recycling. Lithium, cobalt, copper and nickel are critical and finite metal resources that are in high demand. The recoverable metal value from one tonne of lithium-ion battery waste is between A$3,000 and $14,000.

What you throw in your recycling bin will go to a facility like this in Southwest Sydney. Inside these walls, pizza boxes, tin cans, and plastic bottles are processed at speed.

"This facility is a recycling center. We take the yellow lid bin, which has paper, plastic, metals, and card in it, and we separate them out so they go back to market. This facility processes 30,000 tons a year."

These men are the first line of defense against items that could destroy this building. Their job is to spot and remove things that shouldn't be there.

"Here, we've got a collection of items that we've picked off the picking line—extracted from the waste in the last few days. A very common one is electronic equipment, like this laptop. They can get crushed in the truck, and the lithium battery can set fire. Or, they'll come through the line, go through the magnets, get crushed again, and cause a fire in here, setting fire to all the paper and cardboard."

This is happening across the waste and recycling sector every day. As the use of lithium-ion batteries increases, so too does the potential for catastrophe.

A survey of recycling and waste industry operators obtained by 7.30 estimates there are between 10,000 and 12,000 battery-related fires in trucks and facilities every year.

"This is becoming a perfect storm. There's more and more batteries, there's more and more recycling going on. People are trying to do the right thing, but those things are coming together, and there's more fires happening across Australia."

Lithium-ion batteries are common because they're compact and powerful, but these properties mean they also carry risk.

"By having high energy density, what we're trying to do is store energy as chemistry. So when those batteries are either in a fault, being used, or damaged, we can release that electrical energy as chemical energy—what we see as fire, and potentially explosion."

Fire and Rescue is seeing about three fires a week.

"We've seen a 66per cent increase in the last 12 months, and that's just in and around the home, in businesses, and things like that. We're also seeing nearly daily fires in waste facilities and garbage trucks because of the incorrect disposal of lithium-ion batteries. That's also posing a big risk for us in the community."

The issue is so severe that batteries are on the agenda at a meeting of state and federal environment ministers tomorrow. The waste industry wants action.

"These are the embedded batteries. This is a product that is on the market—I can't get the battery out, and there is no home for this at all."

B-cycle is a national scheme that collects some batteries for recycling, but it doesn't accept all items.

"We need to grow the battery scheme as a matter of urgency and have a national scheme that covers all products. In the interim, we need governments in each state to fund collection points to take them out of our waste stream now. There's no point telling consumers not to put them in the bin if you can't tell them where to put them."

When approached for comment, the federal environment minister’s office provided a response from a spokesperson for the Department of Climate Change, Energy, Environment, and Water:

"Environment ministers will be briefed on work Queensland is leading to inform a national, coordinated approach to the safe collection and management of batteries. This work will help address fire and safety risks and keep the valuable materials batteries contain within our circular economy."

There are steps consumers can take to use lithium-ion batteries safely.

"If you've got an e-scooter and you think you want a bigger battery in it, we really encourage consumers not to touch these things. These are not to be played with.

"We also encourage consumers to charge their devices on non-flammable surfaces. That way, even if the battery catches fire, it's less likely to spread to other items nearby.

"A working smoke alarm is still the best way to ensure that you and your loved ones are safe. Now's the perfect time to check that our smoke alarms have batteries, that they're working, and to have a conversation about a home fire escape plan."

For consumers, the best option now is to avoid buying products with embedded batteries and to ensure they only buy certified and safe ones.

The waste sector says it's doing what it can to keep its staff and the community safe.

"This problem is completely solvable. If you look overseas—Northern Europe has mandated battery recycling schemes. In local supermarkets and shopping centers, there are places to drop your batteries. Many workplaces also have battery drop-off points.

"If you put those schemes in place, you can recover up to 75per cent of the batteries put on the market. If we don’t act on this, we’re going to continue seeing facilities and trucks burn. We could end up with significant injuries—or worse, a fatality—which is exactly what we’re trying to avoid.

"And if this problem isn't addressed, we’re going to find that waste services become disrupted or unaffordable because the rising cost of insurance will have to be passed on."

What does this mean for recycling of batteries?

Battery recycling in Australia begins with collection, sorting, discharging and dismantling, before the metal is recovered.

Metal recovery can be done via mechanical, high-temperature, chemical or biological methods. But this may inadvertently release bis-FASI, threatening recycling workers and the environment.

Pyrometallurgy is the most common technique for recycling lithium-ion batteries. This involves incinerating the batteries to recover the metals. Bis-FASIs are incinerated at the same time.

Yet PFAS chemicals are stable and can withstand high temperatures. The exact temperature needed to destroy PFAS is the biggest unknown in lithium-ion battery recycling.

Determining this temperature was the focus of our research.

The solution is hot – very hot!

We teamed up with chemistry professor Anthony Rappé at Colorado State University in the United States. We wanted to work out the temperature at which bis-FASIs can be effectively incinerated.

But figuring this out is tricky, not only because of the danger of working with high temperatures.

The inside of incinerators is a hot mess. Molecules get torn apart. Some recombine to form larger molecules, and others interact with ashes produced during the burning process. This could produce toxic new substances, which then exit through a smokestack into the air outside.

We don’t want PFAS going out through the smokestack.

To make matters worse, it’s not possible to measure all the substances that bis-FASIs break down into, because many of them are unknown.

To help, we applied the science of quantum mechanics and solved the problem on a computer without ever going into the lab. The computer can accurately simulate the behaviour of any molecules, including bis-FASIs.

We found that at 600°C, bis-FASI molecules start to separate into smaller fragments. But these fragments are still PFAS chemicals and could be more harmful than their parent chemicals.

As a consequence, the absence of bis-FASIs in stack exhaust is not enough to deem the process safe. Much higher temperatures of 1,000°C and above are needed to break down bis-FASIs completely into harmless products. This is likely to be much higher than temperatures currently used, although that varies between facilities.

Based on these findings, we built an innovative model that guides recyclers on how to destroy bis-FASIs during metal recovery by using sufficiently high temperatures.

How do we avoid future risks?

We are now collaborating with operators of high-temperature metal recovery and incineration plants to use our model to destroy PFAS in batteries.

Recycling plants will have to use much higher temperatures to avoid problematic fumes and this will require more energy and financial investment.

After our new guidance is implemented, we will test the recovered metals, solid residues, and exhausts to ensure they are free from PFAS.

While we can tackle the PFAS problem now, it remains an expensive undertaking. Metal recovery processes must be upgraded to safely destroy bis-FASIs. Ultimately, consumers are likely to foot the bill.

However, sending lithium-ion battery waste to landfill will damage the environment and be more expensive in the long run. Landfilling of bis-FASI-containing waste should therefore be avoided.

Clearly, the battery recycling rate must improve. This is where everyday people can help. In the future, manufacturers should avoid using forever chemicals in batteries altogether. Development of safer alternatives is a key focus of ongoing research into sustainable battery design.

This article is republished from The Conversation under a Creative Commons license. Read the original article.

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