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By  Richard Monk 7 August 2023 2 min read

Key points

  • The winners of the 2023 David Malin Awards showcase Australia's best astrophotography.
  • This year’s categories include smartphone astrophotography and junior photographer.
  • The winning photos will be on display at our Parkes Observatory.

As our knowledge and understanding of our skies increases, so does our drive to capture images of what we see, and more so what we can’t see. As camera technology develops in leaps and bounds, astrophotographers continue to find new and better ways to capture our skies and beyond.

Each year, the David Malin Awards showcase the remarkable skills of Australia's talented astrophotographers. This year is no exception.

From the rising Moon and our Milky Way in a single shot to a smartphone photo of the aurora over Tasmania, the 2023 winners reveal the wonders of the Universe with a single click.

Here are some of this year's most breathtaking shots.

Overall winner

Rising Together by Jong Lee

Rising Together by Jong Lee

Jong Lee is the overall winner of the 2023 David Malin Awards. His photo, Rising Together, encapsulates a mesmerising convergence of the Moon and the Milky Way in a single frame. This captivating image was captured at the Tomaree Mountain Lookout on Worimi Country, NSW.

Honourable mention

Chamaeleon Molecular Cloud by Anne-Maree McComb

Chamaeleon Molecular Cloud by Anne-Maree McComb

Anne-Maree McComb received an honourable mention for her complex and beautiful image, titled Chamaeleon Molecular Cloud. She said this was only her second image of a cloudy area, but the real joy came from processing the image and seeing the clouds come to life in the editing process.

Junior winner

Rosette Nebula SHO by Lachlan Wilson

Rosette Nebula SHO by Lachlan Wilson

The realm of astrophotography isn't solely confined to experienced hands. Lachlan Wilson, the 2023 Junior winner, offers a stunning glimpse of the cosmos with his photo, Rosette Nebula SHO. Lachlan said the Rosette Nebula is very easy to capture in some detail. However, to get any further detail, Lachlan said you need lots of exposure time. This image was taken over three nights with a stunning result.

Smartphone Astrophotography winner

Aurora over SW Tasmania by Benjamin Alldridge

Aurora over SW Tasmania by Benjamin Alldridge

This beautiful image,Aurora over SW Tasmania, was taken by Benjamin Alldridge on a smartphone, winning him the 2023 Smartphone Astrophotography Award. Benjamin said even a decade ago, serious photography on mobile phones was an absurdity. Let alone something that would allow you to capture bright, clear, and colourful images of the aurora with relative ease. Who says you need expensive equipment to capture the cosmos?

David Malin Awards

The David Malin astrophotography awards are sponsored by us and run by the Central West Astronomical Society. The panel of judges is made up of professional and renowned photographers, including veteran astronomer Dr David Malin.

You can view all the winning photos on the David Malin Awards website or on display at our Parkes Observatory from September.