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27 October 2016 < 1 min read

Ms Jin Teng says water is fascinating to study.

Influential work in water modelling has earned CSIRO researcher Jin Teng a ranking among the leading early-mid career, highly-cited women researchers in Australia.

The inaugural Thomson Reuters' Women in Research Citation Awards announced in October recognises the achievements of 12 early to mid-career women researchers in Australia, based on Web of Science Core Collection publication and citation data.

The citations recognise, in particular, influential papers contributing to research across all domains of science, social science and humanities.

CSIRO's Ms Jin Teng was recognised for her work investigating climate impact on water, including water availability, floods and droughts through CSIRO Land and Water.

Currently Ms Teng is also a part-time PhD scholar at Fenner School of Environment & Society, Australian National University.

Ms Teng said water was fascinating to study.

"Without it life simply couldn't exist, too much of it can destroy everything on its path," Ms Teng said.

"My research is to help society to make informed decisions on how we can adjust our behaviour around issues related to water, so that we can preserve the earth for future generations."