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Hydrogen Map

The HyResource hydrogen projects map provides a spatial representation of projects across Australia as well as filtering capability by status, main end use, and main proponents.
The map has been accelerated into publication following Users requests (as project numbers rise above 100) and is undergoing final QA/QC processes. These are expected to be completed in July 2022. While QA/QC processes are ongoing, the map information may lag updates to the HyResource projects listing.
Users should be aware of the following points:
• Pin markers (GPS coordinates) reflects a mixture of specific locations confirmed by proponents, general locations confirmed or endorsed by proponents, or general locations consistent with project descriptions (and where a proponent confirmation has been sought/is being sought)
• Numbers in the Pin markers refer to the number of projects reflected by that marker; where there is no number in the Pin marker, this refers to a single project in that spatial area
• Filter options allow for the sorting projects by their status, main end use, and main proponents
• Many projects have multiple end uses of various types. Many projects end-use options are under evaluation and are yet to be advised. Many other projects have single end-uses planned: this makes end-use filtering a very difficult proposition. To keep this manageable, the number of main end use options has been restricted to around 10, with the options written in a way that tries to keep consistency with the project descriptions.
• It is possible to do incremental filtering within each filter category (e.g. status) but not using multiple filters at the same (e.g. status plus main end use)

ABEL Energy Bell Bay Powerfuels Projects

ABEL Energy Bell Bay Powerfuels Project

A feasibility study has been undertaken to assess the potential for developing a large-scale renewables-based hydrogen and e-methanol facility at Bell Bay in Tasmania.

Main proponents: ABEL Energy

Main end-use classification: Methanol production

Status: Under development

Location: Tasmania, Australia

ABEL Energy Townsville Powerfuels Project

ABEL Energy Townsville Powerfuels Project

A feasibility study is being undertaken to assess the potential for developing a large-scale, renewables-based hydrogen and e-methanol facility at Townsville in Queensland.


Main proponents: ABEL Energy


Main end-use classification: Focus on methanol production


Status: Under development


Location: Queensland, Australia



Allied Green Ammonia

Allied Green Ammonia

Allied Green Ammonia is developing a large-scale renewables-based hydrogen and ammonia facility on the Gove Peninsula in the Northern Territory.

Main Proponents: Allied Green Ammonia

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Northern Territory, Australia

Arrowsmith Hydrogen Project-HP1

Arrowsmith Hydrogen Project-HP1

A renewable hydrogen production facility is planned to be built in stages at Arrowsmith, near Dongara, in Western Australia with a focus on supplying hydrogen for mobility purposes, with power use options also under examination.

Main proponents: Infinite Green Energy

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status:  Under development

Location:  Western Australia, Australia


ATCO Hydrogen Blending Project

The project will see renewables-based hydrogen blended into the existing natural gas distribution network within the City of Cockburn, involving around 2,700 connections.

Main proponents: ATCO

End use classification: Focus on gas networks. May also include mobility or power or industrial uses.

Status: Operating

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Australian Renewable Energy Hub

Australian Renewable Energy Hub

The Australian Renewable Energy Hub (AREH) will be a phased development located in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. The project intends to supply renewable power to local customers in the Pilbara, a large mining region, and produce green hydrogen for the domestic Australian market and for export to major international users.  


Main proponents: bp (Operator), CWP Global, InterContinental Energy, Macquarie Capital and Macquarie's Green Investment Group

Main end-use classification: To be advised 

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Boolathana Project

Boolathana Project

The project proponent has completed an internal pre-feasibility study on a renewables-based hydrogen and ammonia project development in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia; alternative industries that have high electricity needs have also formed part of the investigations of the project proponent.

Main proponents: Gascoyne Green Energy

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Brigalow Peaking Power Plant

Brigalow Peaking Power Plant

CS Energy is developing a hydrogen-ready, natural gas power station at Kogan Creek, approximately 260 kilometres west of Brisbane, Queensland, to provide ‘firming’ capacity to support more renewables entering the grid in Queensland.

Main proponents: Queensland Government (CS Energy as development lead) 

Main end-use classification: Focus on electricity/microgrid applications

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia


Calix Zero Emissions Steel Technology-pre-FEED and FEED Study

Calix Zero Emissions Steel Technology-pre-FEED and FEED Study

Calix has progressed development of their Calix Zero Emissions Steel Technology (ZESTY) Hydrogen - Direct Reduced Iron (H-DRI) process to the preparation of a FEED study for a commercial demonstration plant.

Main proponents: Calix

Main end-use classification: Focus on industrial use

Status: Under development

Location: Victoria, Australia (location marker is for pilot plant)

Canberra Hydrogen Refuelling Station

Canberra Hydrogen Refuelling Station

The hydrogen refuelling station dispenses renewable hydrogen, supporting the ACT Government in its use of 20 light passenger fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) in its fleet, as well as several private FCEVs.

Main proponents: Pacific Energy

Main end use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications. 

Status: Operating.

Location: Australian Capital Territory

Cape Hardy Advanced Fuels Project

Cape Hardy Green Hydrogen Project

Amp is working with technical specialists to develop project concept and engineering designs and with consultancies to assist with the required approvals from industry regulators. Amp is also well progressed in securing exclusive access from local landowners to complete feasibility studies for the renewable energy component of this proposed project.

Main proponents: Amp Energy

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: South Australia, Australia


Central Queensland Hydrogen Project

Central Queensland Hydrogen Project

The project proponents are undertaking studies into the development of a large-scale renewable hydrogen production facility at Aldoga near Gladstone, Queensland, a 23-kilometre hydrogen gas pipeline to the Port of Gladstone, and liquefaction and ammonia plants at the Port of Gladstone, with focus on exporting liquid hydrogen to the Japanese market and supplying ammonia for domestic and export markets.

Main proponents: Stanwell Corporation Limited, Iwatani Corporation, Marubeni Corporation, Keppel Infrastructure

Main end-use classification: Export focus - liquid hydrogen

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia

Christmas Creek Green Iron Trial Commercial Plant

Christmas Creek Green Iron Trial Commercial Plant

The project proponent has taken a final investment decision to construct a green iron trial commercial plant at its Christmas Creek operations site in the Pilbara region of Western Australia.

Main proponents: Fortescue

Main end-use classification: Focus on industrial use

Status: Under construction

Location, Western Australia, Australia


Christmas Creek Renewable Hydrogen Mobility Project

Christmas Creek Renewable Hydrogen Mobility Project

The project proponent is to replace its existing fleet of diesel coaches at its Christmas Creek iron ore mine in the Pilbara region with hydrogen fuel-cell powered coaches.

Main proponents: Fortescue

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility, may include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Operating

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Clean Energy Innovation Hub

Clean Energy Innovation Hub

The Perth-located Clean Energy Innovation Hub incorporates the production, storage and use of hydrogen in micro-grid system applications, including blending with natural gas and in power use.

Main proponents: ATCO

Main end-use classification: Focus on gas networks, may include mobility or electricity or industrial applications. 

Status: Operating

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Daintree Microgrid Project

Daintree Microgrid Project

A solar based (with hydrogen storage) microgrid for the Daintree region in far north Queensland is under development

Main proponents: Volt Advisory Group - federal capital works grant recipient 

Main end-use classification: Focus on electricity/microgrid applications

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia

Darwin Green Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) Export Project

Darwin Green Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) Export Project

The Darwin Green Liquid Hydrogen (LH2) Export Project is a ‘commercial-demonstration’ International Joint Development Project (JDP) that aims to prove-up large-scale liquid hydrogen shipping and export 21,000 tonnes per annum of renewables-based liquid hydrogen to the Japanese transport sector by 2030.

Main proponents: LH2 Energy Pty Ltd

Main end-use classification: Export focus - liquid hydrogen

Status: Under development

Location: Northern Territory, Australia


Darwin H2 Hub

Darwin H2 Hub

TE H2 (previously Total Eren) has signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) with the Northern Territory Government to develop a renewables-based hydrogen hub project at Darwin in the Northern Territory.

Main proponents: TE H2

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Northern Territory, Australia


Denham Hydrogen Demonstration Plant

Denham Hydrogen Demonstration Plant

Horizon Power is delivering a hydrogen demonstration project to test if renewable hydrogen energy can be used to produce baseload power in a remote microgrid in the coastal town of Denham, Western Australia.

Main proponents: Horizon Power

Main end-use classification: Focus on electricity/microgrid applications

Status: Operating  

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Early Production System: MEG HP1

Early Production System: MEG-HP1

The project proponents are progressing a renewables-based hydrogen production plant planned to be located in close proximity to the Northam Solar Farm, east of Perth, with the hydrogen produced targeted for use in the heavy transport sector. 

Main proponents: Infinite Green Energy, Samsung C&T, Doral Group

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia

East Kimberley Clean Energy Project

East Kimberley Clean Energy Project

The project proponents are seeking to develop a large-scale renewables-based hydrogen and ammonia production project utilising existing infrastructure in the East Kimberley region of Western Australia.

Main proponents: Aboriginal Clean Energy Partnership (Balanggarra Ventures Limited, MG Corporation, Kimberley Land Council, Pollination)

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia


Edify Green Hydrogen Project

Edify Green Hydrogen Project

The project proponent has received Development Approval for a 1 gigawatt (GW) renewables-based hydrogen production facility to be located at the Lansdown Eco-Industrial Precinct near Townsville, Queensland. The facility can be constructed in stages to meet market demand.

Main proponents: Edify Energy

Main end-use classification: To be advised.

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia

Emerald Coaches Green Hydrogen Mobility Project

Emerald Coaches Green Hydrogen Mobility Project

The project proponent is planning a long-term conversion of its full fleet of over 120 vehicles from diesel fuel usage to hydrogen fuel cell electric (HFCE) vehicles, with the first of such vehicles planned to be introduced by late 2024.

Main proponents: Emerald Coaches

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility, may include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia

ENEOS MCH Hydrogen Demonstration Plant

ENEOS MCH Hydrogen Demonstration Project

ENEOS is to construct a renewables-based hydrogen production facility at Bulwer Island, Brisbane, with the hydrogen being transported in the form of methylcyclohexane, with a portion to be shipped to Japan.

Main proponents: ENEOS

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under construction

Location: Queensland, Australia



Energys Renewable Hydrogen Production Facility

This project will develop a renewables-based hydrogen production facility located in Hastings, Victoria.

Main proponents: Energys Australia

Main end-use classification: Focus on electricity/microgrid applications

Status: Under construction

Location: Victoria, Australia

entX and Kimberly-Clark - Millicent Mill Green Hydrogen Project

entX and Kimberly-Clark - Millicent Mill Green Hydrogen Project

A feasibility study is assessing the partial replacement of the existing energy supply to the Kimberly-Clark Millicent Mill in South Australia with renewables-based hydrogen.

Main proponents: entX Limited, Kimberly-Clark Australia

Main end-use classification: Focus on industrial use

Status: Under development

Location: South Australia, Australia

Euroa Hydrogen Project

Euroa Hydrogen Project

Vena Energy is investigating a phased, large-scale renewables-based hydrogen project located at Aldoga, approximately 18 kilometres west of the Gladstone Central Business District.

Main proponents: Vena Energy

Main end-use classification: To be advised

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia

Eyre Peninsula Gateway Project - Demonstrator Stage

Eyre Peninsula Gateway Project - Demonstrator Stage

The initial (Demonstrator) stage of this project plans to integrate a 75 megawatt (MW) electrolysis plant and a 120 tonnes per day ammonia production facility largely for domestic supply, with the potential for later expansion through an Export Stage.

Main proponents: The Hydrogen Utility (H2U)

Main end-use classification: Focus on domestic ammonia use.

Status: Under development

Location: South Australia, Australia

Geelong Hydrogen Hub

Geelong Hydrogen Hub

GeelongPort has announced plans to develop a Geelong Hydrogen Hub as part of its energy precinct. The Geelong Hydrogen Hub will be a production and distribution facility for green hydrogen.

Main proponents: GeelongPort, Fortescue Future Industries

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Victoria, Australia


Geelong New Energies Service Station Project

Viva Energy is to construct and operate a publicly accessible service station that offers hydrogen refuelling and electric vehicle recharging capacity for heavy fuel cell electric vehicles (FCEVs) in Geelong, Victoria. 

Main proponents: Viva Energy

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under construction

Location: Victoria, Australia

Geraldton Export-Scale Renewable Investment

Geraldton Export-Scale Renewable Investment

A detailed evaluation of renewable demonstration and commercial-scale ammonia production plants located in the Geraldton/Oakajee area of Western Australia, using renewable hydrogen as feedstock rather than natural gas, has been undertaken.

Main proponents: BP Australia

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Gingerah Energy Hub

Gingerah Energy Hub

The project proponent, Gingerah Energy, is developing a large-scale renewables-based hydrogen and ammonia project located in the northwest of Western Australia.

Main proponents: Gingerah Energy - a joint venture partnership between the Karajarri people, Dutch company Fugro and Australian firm Longreach Capital Investment

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia


Gladstone MCH Project

Gladstone MCH Project

ENEOS is investigating the safe, reliable supply of hydrogen made with renewable energy in Gladstone, Queensland.

Main proponents: ENEOS Corporation

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia and hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia (location marker is indicative)

Gladstone PEM50 Project

Gladstone PEM50 project

A two-stage renewables-based hydrogen project building up to 50 MW electrolysis plant full capacity is under construction at Gladstone, Queensland, with first production targeted for 2025.

Main proponents: Fortescue

Main end-use classification: To be advised

Status: Under construction

Location: Queensland, Australia


Good Earth Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project

Good Earth Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Project

The project proponents are developing an integrated solar energy to hydrogen and ammonia project co-located at the Wathagar ginning facility near Moree in northern New South Wales.

Main proponents: Hiringa Energy (Operator), Sundown Pastoral Company - through the Hiringa Sundown Project Co. Pty Ltd as trustee for the Project Trust.

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Goondiwindi Hydrogen

Goondiwindi Hydrogen

The Goondiwindi Regional Council in partnership with the The Hydrogen Collective (H2C) is installing a hydrogen production facility at the Goondiwindi wastewater treatment plant, with the resulting produced oxygen used to improve the efficiency of its wastewater treatment and offtake for the produced hydrogen secured from local businesses.

Main proponents: Goondiwindi Regional Council, The Hydrogen Collective

Main end-use classification: Stage 1 - local agricultural and industrial businesses 

Status: Under construction

Location: Queensland, Australia

Green Cement Decarbonisation Project

Green Cement Decarbonisation Project

As part of an overall decarbonisation plan for its Port Augusta (South Australia) cement manufacture facility, the Hallett Group would use renewables-based hydrogen to power the heating and drying of up to one million tonnes a year of lower-carbon substitutes for clinker.

Main proponents: Hallett Group, Elecseed, Korea Hydro and Nuclear Power

Main end-use classification: Focus on industrial use

Status: Under development

Location: South Australia, Australia



Green Hydrogen and Battery Energy Storage System

Green Hydrogen and Battery Energy Storage System

This project consists of a demonstrator scale hydrogen production and battery storage system located at Bolivar (an outer Northern suburb of Adelaide, South Australia) and provides proof of concept for the transport of hydrogen absorbed in a metal hydride tank for safe handling and further utilisation in Indonesia.

Main proponents: Marubeni Corporation

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under construction

Location: South Australia, Australia

Green Methanol Feasibility Study

Green Methanol Feasibility Study

A feasibility study will assess the technical and economic viability of constructing a green methanol plant based on renewables-based hydrogen and CO2 captured from Cement Australia’s cement factory at Gladstone, Queensland.

Main proponents: Cement Australia, Mitsubishi Gas Chemical Company

Main end-use classification: Focus on methanol production

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia 


Green Springs Project

Green Springs Project

The project proponent is progressing with the development of an integrated project comprising equipment manufacturing plants for key equipment required for renewables-based hydrogen production, a modular hydrogen production facility, and a hydrogen derivatives production plant, to be located in the Western Davenport region of the Northern Territory.

Main proponents: Climate Impact Capital

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Northern Territory, Australia

H2-HubTM Gladstone

H2-HubTM Gladstone

A large-scale chemical complex is proposed for Gladstone, for the production of renewable hydrogen and ammonia.

Main proponents: The Hydrogen Utility (H2U)

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia



A feasibility study is being undertaken into the production of green hydrogen at bp Australia’s Kwinana Energy Hub site in Western Australia.

Main proponents: bp Australia, Macquarie Capital.

Main end use classification: Focus on industrial use

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia



Woodside is proposing to develop H2Perth, a commercial scale liquid hydrogen production facility to be located near Perth, Western Australia.

Main proponents: Woodside Energy

Main end-use classification: Export focus - liquid hydrogen

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Han-Ho H2 Hub Feasibility Study

Han-Ho H2 Hub Feasibility Study

The project proponent is undertaking a feasibility study investigating the potential for a large-scale green ammonia supply chain between Australia and South Korea with multi-gigawatt hydrogen production potential co-located with renewable energy generation in Central Queensland.

Main proponents: Ark Energy Corporation

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia

Hazer Commercial Demonstration Plant

Hazer Commercial Demonstration Plant

This project, located near Perth, is a commercial demonstration of the Hazer production technology that can convert methane feedstocks, through the use of an iron ore process catalyst, into hydrogen and synthetic graphite.

Main proponents: Hazer Group

Main end-use classification: Focus on electricity/microgrid applications

Status: Operating

Location: Western Australia, Australia

HIF Tasmania eFuels Facility

HIF Tasmania eFuels Facility

The project proponent is developing a synthetic eFuels (methanol-based) production facility to be located near the town of Burnie in Tasmania.

Main proponents: HIF Global

Main end-use classification: Focus on methanol production

Status: Under development

Location: Tasmania, Australia

Hunter Valley Hydrogen Hub

Hunter Valley Hydrogen Hub

The project proponent is progressing a large-scale renewables-based hydrogen project located in the Newcastle industrial and port precinct.

Main proponents: Orica

Main end-use classification: Focus on domestic ammonia use

Status: Under development

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Hydrogen Bell Bay Project

Hydrogen Bell Bay Project

This project involves a hydrogen plant development at the port of Bell Bay, north of Launceston with the initial focus on domestic supply as Stage 1 to be followed by export markets in Stage 2.

Main proponents: Countrywide Hydrogen Pty Ltd

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: Tasmania, Australia

Hydrogen Brighton/Bridgewater Project

Hydrogen Brighton/Bridgewater Project

At up to 5 MW in scale, this project would supply renewables-based hydrogen to the heavy transport sector and industrial applications at Brighton as part of a circular economy project.

Main proponents: Countrywide Hydrogen

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: Tasmania, Australia

Hydrogen Devonport Project

Hydrogen Devonport Project

This project, located in northern Tasmania at Wesley Vale, is planning to supply renewable hydrogen to the domestic market throughout the north of the State.

Main proponents: Countrywide Hydrogen

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: Tasmania, Australia

Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain - Pilot Project

Hydrogen Energy Supply Chain - Pilot Project

The purpose of this pilot project, located in the Latrobe Valley, is to demonstrate an integrated hydrogen supply chain encompassing production, storage and transportation in delivering liquefied hydrogen to Japan.

Main proponents: Kawasaki Heavy Industries (KHI), Electric Power Development Co. (J-Power), Iwatani Corporation, Marubeni Corporation, Sumitomo Corporation, AGL.

Main end-use classification: Export focus - liquid hydrogen

Status: Project completed

Location: Victoria, Australia

Hydrogen Park Adelaide

Hydrogen Park Adelaide

The proposed Hydrogen Park Adelaide (HyP Adelaide) project would blend renewable hydrogen with natural gas at volumes of up to 20% into Adelaide’s gas networks.

Main Proponents: Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)

Main end-use classification: Focus on gas networks. May also include mobility or electricity or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: South Australia, Australia

Hydrogen Park Gladstone

Hydrogen Park Gladstone

This project involves the blending of renewable hydrogen with natural gas, at volumes of up to 10 per cent, for supply into the city of Gladstone’s gas network.

Main proponents: Australian Gas Networks (AGN), part of the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG) 

Main end-use classification: Focus on gas networks. May also include mobility or electricity or industrial applications.

Status: Under construction

Location: Queensland, Australia

Hydrogen Park Murray Valley

Hydrogen Park Murray Valley

Hydrogen Park (HyP) Murray Valley would blend renewable hydrogen with natural gas at volumes of up to 10% into the gas distribution networks across Albury (NSW) and Wodonga (Victoria).

Main proponents: Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)

Main end-use classification: Focus on gas networks. May include mobility or electricity or industrial applications.

Status: Under construction  

Location: Victoria, Australia

Hydrogen Park South Australia

Hydrogen Park South Australia

This project involves the blending of renewable hydrogen with natural gas for supply to around 4,000 properties in metropolitan Adelaide, as well as direct hydrogen supply to industry and mobility applications via tube trailers.

Main proponents: Australian Gas Networks (AGN), part of the Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)

Main end-use classification: Focus on gas networks. May include mobility or electricity or industrial applications.

Status: Operating

Location: South Australia, Australia

Hydrogen Park Wagga Wagga

Hydrogen Park Wagga Wagga

Hydrogen Park (HyP) Wagga Wagga would have the potential to produce renewable hydrogen for blending into the Wagga Wagga gas distribution network at a volume of up to 20%. 

Main proponents: Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)

Main end use classification: Focus on gas networks. May include mobility or electricity or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Hydrogen Portland Project

Hydrogen Portland Project

This project involves a hydrogen plant development near the Port of Portland with an initial focus on domestic supply as Stage 1 followed by export penetration in Stage 2.

Main proponents: Countrywide Hydrogen, DGA Energy Solutions Australia

Main end use classification:  Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.  

Status: Under development

Location: Victoria, Australia

Hydrogen Powered Trains Feasibility Study

Hydrogen Powered Trains Feasibility Study

The proponents are undertaking a feasibility study to assess the introduction of hydrogen-powered trains for bulk freight, with mining industry applications in Queensland under study.

Main proponents: Aurizon, Anglo American

Main end use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications. 

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia

Hydrogen Production and Research Facility

Hydrogen Production and Research Facility

The Hydrogen Production & Research Facility, located in Hobart, Tasmania, is a renewables-based hydrogen production facility providing commercial-scale hydrogen for industry & transport applications and supporting research & training development for blue economy industries.

Main proponents: Blue Economy CRC

Main end use classification: Mobility, Research and development

Status: Operating

Location: Tasmania, Australia



Hydrogen Refueller H2Perth

Hydrogen Refueller H2Perth

Woodside is proposing to develop the Hydrogen Refueller @H2Perth, a self-contained hydrogen production, storage and refuelling station, to be located in the Rockingham Industry Zone (RIZ), just south of Perth and adjacent to Woodside’s proposed H2Perth project.

Main proponents: Woodside Energy Ltd

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Hydrogen Refueller Station Project

Hydrogen Refueller Station Project

A hydrogen refuelling facility has been constructed at ATCO’s existing Jandakot Operations Centre in Perth, using ATCO’s existing electrolyser to produce hydrogen to supply the refuelling station.

Main proponents: ATCO, Fortescue Future Industries

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Operating 

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Hydrogen Test Facility - ACT Gas Network

Hydrogen Test Facility - ACT Gas Network

This test facility will enhance understanding of the impact of introducing hydrogen into the existing gas distribution network that services the Australian Capital Territory (ACT) and Queanbeyan (New South Wales).

Main proponents: Evoenergy, Canberra Institute of Technology

Main end-use classification: Focus on gas networks. May include mobility or electricity or industrial applications.

Status: Operating

Location: Australian Capital Territory, Australia

Hydrogen Western Junction Project

Hydrogen Western Junction Project

This project, located in northern Tasmania at Western Junction, at the location of Launceston Airport, is planning to supply renewable hydrogen to the domestic market throughout the State's Midlands.

Main proponents: Countrywide Hydrogen, Launceston Airport, Western Junction

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: Tasmania, Australia

HyEnergy Project

HyEnergy Project

The project proponent is progressing the phased development of a proposed large-scale renewables-based hydrogen project in the Gascoyne region of Western Australia.

Main proponents: Province Resources

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia is the likely end product though export of compressed hydrogen is also being considered

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia



Hydrogen-powered hot water systems, cooktop, BBQ, and heating systems feature in a Melbourne homes display setting and aims to demonstrate 100% hydrogen use in a standard family home setting.

Main proponents: Australian Gas Infrastructure Group (AGIG)

Main end-use classification: Focus on gas networks. May include mobility or electricity or industrial applications.

Status: Demonstration display

Location: Victoria, Australia

Hyundai Integrated Hydrogen Production and Refuelling System

Hyundai Integrated Hydrogen Production and Refuelling System

The project proponent has installed an integrated hydrogen production, storage and refuelling station system at its Sydney office.

Main proponents: Hyundai Motor Company Australia

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Operating

Location: New South Wales, Australia


Illawarra Hydrogen Technology Hub

Illawarra Hydrogen Technology Hub

The project proponent is developing a hydrogen and technology hub at its existing facility in Cringila, a southern suburb in the city of Wollongong, New South Wales.

Main proponents: BOC Limited

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: New South Wales, Australia


Joint Feasibility Study for Creation of a Supply Chain of Low Carbon Ammonia in Western Australia

Joint Feasibility Study for Creation of a Supply Chain of Low Carbon Ammonia in Western Australia

The proponent is undertaking a feasibility study on carbon capture and storage possibilities in Western Australia in support of a export-focussed, low-carbon ammonia production plant using hydrogen generated from natural gas.

Main proponents: Mitsui & Co

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Kogan Creek Renewable Hydrogen Demonstration Plant

Kogan Creek Renewable Hydrogen Demonstration Plant

CS Energy is to construct a renewables-based demonstration hydrogen production facility located at the Kogan Creek power station in Queensland’s Western Downs region.

Main proponents: CS Energy

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under construction

Location: Queensland, Australia

Melbourne Hydrogen Hub

Melbourne Hydrogen Hub

This project involves the creation of a renewable hydrogen hub focussed on transport uses co-located in the Melbourne metropolitan area.

Main proponents: Countrywide Hydrogen

Main end use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.   

Status: Under development

Location: Victoria, Australia

Mid West Clean Energy Project

Mid West Clean Energy Project

The project proponent is evaluating progressing the development of a CO2 convective reforming process with integrated CO2 storage and renewables-based hydrogen production and ammonia export complex in the mid-west region of Western Australia

Main proponents: Pilot Energy

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Murchison Hydrogen Renewables Project

Murchison Hydrogen Renewables Project

The project, located near Kalbarri in the mid-west region of Western Australia, is for a combined large-scale wind and solar energy development to produce renewables-based hydrogen which would be converted into ammonia, mainly for export purposes.

Main proponents: Copenhagen Infrastructure Partners

Main end use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia

North Queensland Clean Energy Project - HyNQ

North Queensland Clean Energy Project - HyNQ

The proposed North Queensland Energy Project (HyNQ) would develop an integrated renewable energy, renewables-based hydrogen and ammonia production and export facility in North Queensland.

Main proponents: Energy Estate, CS Energy, Idemitsu Renewable Developments Australia, IHI Engineering Australia

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia

Oakajee Energy Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Export Project - Stage 1

Oakajee Energy Green Hydrogen and Ammonia Export Project - Stage 1

Oakajee Energy is progressing Stage 1 of a proposed integrated renewable energy, renewables-based hydrogen and ammonia production and export facility in the Oakajee area of Western Australia.

Main proponents: Oakajee Energy

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia and hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia


Parmelia Green Hydrogen Project

Parmelia Green Hydrogen Project

Pipeline conversion and other studies are assessing the viability of producing and transporting renewables-based hydrogen via a 43-kilometre section of APA’s Parmelia Gas Pipeline to WesCEF's production facilities in Kwinana, Western Australia.

Main proponents: APA Group, Wesfarmers

Main end use classification: Industrial applications / chemical products

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Port Kembla Hydrogen Refuelling Facility

Port Kembla Hydrogen Refuelling Facility

Coregas has developed a hydrogen refuelling facility adjacent to the site of its Port Kembla hydrogen production plant, for use in hydrogen-powered heavy transport vehicles.

Main proponents: Coregas

Main end use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications. 

Status: Operating   

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Portland Renewable Fuels

Portland Renewable Fuels

The project is a large-scale hybrid bio/e-methanol development to be located in the Portland area of Victoria targeting maritime applications. 

Main proponents: HAMR Energy

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications

Status: Under development

Location: Victoria, Australia

Port of Brisbane Hydrogen Hub and Refueller

Port of Brisbane Hydrogen Hub and Refueller

Lion Energy is developing renewables-based hydrogen production and refuelling infrastructure at the Port of Brisbane.

Main participants: Lion Energy

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia


Renewable Hydrogen Hydro-Gen 1

Renewable Hydrogen Hydro-Gen 1

Yarra Valley Water is to initially install a pilot-scale electrolyser at its existing waste-to-energy facility in Wollert, Melbourne, as a test of the technology prior to installing a larger scale plant.

Main proponents: Yarra Valley Water

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: Victoria, Australia

Renewable Hydrogen Production and Refuelling Project

Renewable Hydrogen Production and Refuelling Project

This project will supply renewable hydrogen to BOC’s existing customer base in Queensland as well as supplying a hydrogen refuelling station hosted in Brisbane.

Main proponents: BOC

Main end use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Operating

Location: Queensland, Australia



ATCO has received Australian funding under the German-Australian HyGATE initiative to undertake a feasibility study of proposed renewables-based, large-scale hydrogen and ammonia production facilities in Port Kembla, New South Wales.

Main proponents: ATCO

Main end-use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: New South Wales, Australia (map location is indicative only)



Vast and Mabanaft have received joint German-Australian funding under the HyGATE initiative to progress planned (renewables-based) hydrogen and methanol production facilities in the Port Augusta region of South Australia.

Main proponents: Vast, Mabanaft

Main end-use classification: Focus on methanol production

Status: Under development

Location: South Australia, Australia


Sumitomo Gladstone Green Hydrogen Project

Sumitomo Gladstone Green Hydrogen Project

The project proponent is undertaking a feasibility study for a large-scale renewables-based hydrogen production plant at Gladstone, Queensland, targeting delivery to nearby industrial users for process heating purposes.

Main proponents: Sumitomo Corporation

Main end use classification: Focus on industrial use

Status: Under development

Location: Queensland, Australia

Sumitomo Green Hydrogen Production and Rio Tinto Decarbonisation Pilot Project

Sumitomo Green Hydrogen Production and Rio Tinto Decarbonisation Pilot Project

The project proponents are constructing a project that will demonstrate the production of hydrogen and operation of hydrogen fuelled calcination for process heating at Rio Tinto’s Yarwun alumina refinery at Gladstone.

Main proponents: Sumitomo Corporation, Rio Tinto

Main end use classification: Focus on industrial use   

Status: Under construction    

Location: Queensland, Australia

SunHQ Hydrogen Hub

SunHQ Hydrogen Hub

The initial phase of renewable hydrogen production at a zinc refinery near Townsville involves a one-Megawatt (MW) electrolyser to be powered through a behind the meter connection to an existing 121 MW solar farm.

Main proponents: Ark Energy Corporation

Main end use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications. 

Status: Under construction

Location: Queensland, Australia

Swinburne University of Technology CSIRO Victorian Hydrogen Hub and Refuelling Station

Swinburne University of Technology CSIRO Victorian Hydrogen Hub and Refuelling Station

As part of its partnership with Swinburne University of Technology under the VH2 initiative, CSIRO has installed a hydrogen refuelling station at its Clayton campus in Melbourne: the refuelling station is a key milestone in the development of CSIRO’s Hydrogen Industry Mission.   

Main proponents: CSIRO, Swinburne University of Technology

Main end use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications. 

Status: Operating

Location: Victoria, Australia

Tallawarra B Dual Fuel Capable Gas and Hydrogen Power Plant

Tallawarra B Dual Fuel Capable Gas and Hydrogen Power Plant

The Tallawarra B power station, to be located in the Illawarra region of New South Wales, will operate as a dual fuel capable ‘peaking’ plant and be capable of using a blend of natural gas and renewable-based hydrogen in its operations.

Main proponents: Energy Australia

Main end use classification: Focus on electricity / microgrid applications   

Status: Under construction

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Toyota Ecopark Hydrogen Demonstration (Toyota Hydrogen Centre)

Toyota Ecopark Hydrogen Demonstration (Toyota Hydrogen Centre)

Toyota Australia has redeveloped part of its Altona site into a renewable energy hub to produce renewable hydrogen using a percent of renewable energy for use in both transport and stationary applications.

Main proponents: Toyota Motor Corporation Australia

Main end use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Operating   

Location: Victoria, Australia

Warradarge Green Hydrogen Project

Warradarge Green Hydrogen Project

The Warradarge Green Hydrogen Project is a planned two stage renewables-based hydrogen production development, located in mid-west Western Australia, that is initially targeting diesel replacement followed by potential regional industrial uses as capacity expands.

Main proponents: Warradarge Green Hydrogen

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia


Warrnambool Hydrogen Mobility Project

Warrnambool Hydrogen Mobility Project

The Warrnambool Hydrogen Mobility Project, being developed in South West Victoria, aims to be a leading project in transitioning a regional public transport bus fleet to zero emissions.

Main proponents: Warrnambool Bus Lines

Main end-use classification: Focus on mobility. May include electricity or gas networks or industrial applications.

Status: Under development

Location: Victoria, Australia


Western Green Energy Hub

Western Green Energy Hub

The Western Green Energy Hub is a proposal to design, construct and operate a large-scale wind and solar power project to produce value added products, with the base case assuming renewables-based hydrogen and ammonia production. The proposed development is situated in the far southeast of Western Australia in the Shire of Dundas and City of Kalgoorlie-Boulder.

Main proponents: InterContinental Energy, CWP Global, Mirning Green Energy Limited

Main end use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under development

Location: Western Australia, Australia

Western Sydney Green Gas Project

Western Sydney Green Gas Project

The project involves a trial power-to-gas facility to transform (surplus) renewable electrical energy into hydrogen gas for use in blending in a gas network, power, and potentially mobility and industrial applications.

Main proponents: Jemena

Main end use classification: Focus on gas networks. May include mobility or electricity or industrial applications. 

Status: Operating

Location: New South Wales, Australia

Yuri Renewable Hydrogen to Ammonia Project

Yuri Renewable Hydrogen to Ammonia Project

This project will construct a 10 MW electrolyser to produce renewables-based hydrogen to replace a portion of the hydrogen produced through the SMR process at Yara Fertilisers’ existing liquid ammonia plant in north-west Western Australia.

Main proponents: ENGIE Renewables Australia, Mitsui & Co.

Main end use classification: Export focus - ammonia/hydrogen derivatives

Status: Under construction   

Location: Western Australia, Australia