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About Young Future Shapers

The Young Future Shapers program helps those in Years 5-10 to get greater access to opportunities and strengthen their confidence, capability, and connection with STEM.

25 Young Future Shapers are selected annually. They can get personalised support, meet like-minded kids and experts at a STEM Camp, bring a group on a learning adventure, or create their own prize pack.

We prioritise opportunities for under-represented groups in STEM, including girls, Indigenous students, those from lower opportunity schools or regional areas.

Nominations for the 2024 intake of Young Future Shapers closed on 25 March.

Young Future Shapers will open again for nominations in Term 1, 2025. Sign up to be notified when we open the next round of nominations.

Sign up for updates

The prizes

25 Young Future Shapers will be supported with an individualised success plan, invited to tailored virtual events and choose to:

  • Attend a STEM Camp: Get the VIP treatment on a trip to meet other Future Shapers and experts. Go behind the scenes with bespoke STEM tours and activities designed to open minds, skillsets, and networks (and HAVE FUN!); OR
  • Design a group adventure: Young Future Shapers can get everyone excited about their area of interest when they take a group (i.e. their class or youth activity group) on a tailor-made excursion, or have the experts come to them; OR
  • Create a resource pack: Whether its scientific equipment, technology, books, tools, or other resources, they can shape their own prize to explore more at home.
Widget Here | /sitecore/content/CSIRO/Website/education/Programs/STEM-Together/STEM-Together-Future-Shapers/Young-Future-Shapers/main/Eligibility
Widget Here | /sitecore/content/CSIRO/Website/education/Programs/STEM-Together/STEM-Together-Future-Shapers/Young-Future-Shapers/main/Nomination-process
Widget Here | /sitecore/content/CSIRO/Website/education/Programs/STEM-Together/STEM-Together-Future-Shapers/Young-Future-Shapers/main/Successful-nomination

Got questions?

Get in touch with us at

[Music plays as a group of young people wearing lab coats walk down a hallway towards the camera.]

Narrator: “What are our Young Future Shapers into?


[Image changes to a girl facing the camera with cartoons drawings of a brain, a conical flask and a lizard near her head]

Future Shaper 1: I like to learn new things.


[Image changes to a boy facing the camera while a cartoon drawing of a bulldozer assembling itself and driving offscreen is shown near his head]

Future Shaper 2: Engineering and building things is my go to in STEM.


[Image changes to another girl with a cartoon rendering of an astronaut helmet on her head. Cartoon planets are in front and behind her]

Future Shaper 3: I also like knowing the fact that there’s always more space to discover.


[Image changes to another girl next to a cartoon tree that seems to glow with bioluminescence].

Future Shaper 4: Genetically modified organisms. I find them fascinating.


[The girl disappears and the words “explore more” appear. The video changes to a fully animated style]

Narrator: Tons of ideas. One goal. Explore more.


[The image changes. A cartoon girl with a jetpack flies off screen]

Narrator: Future Shapers gives young people greater access to STEM opportunities.


[The image changes. Cartoon hands meet in a circle, while the words “confidence, capability, connection” float nearby]

Narrator: They’ll build confidence, capability, and connection with STEM, and learn skills for life.  They can also


[The image changes. Three cartoon characters open a door that says “STEM camp” light and glitter shine from inside the door]

Narrator: Meet people like them at a STEM camp


[The image changes. A cartoon character drives a small bulldozer robot, while two more characters look on]

Narrator: Go on a local learning adventure


[The image changes. A cartoon student opens a box with ribbon. A microscope, snorkel and fins fly out of the box]

Narrator: “Or design a custom prize pack”


[The image changes. The website address appears, followed by the CSIRO and BHP Foundation logos.]
Narrator: Nominate a young person in years 5-10 today at

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About Young Future Shapers

The Young Future Shapers program helps those in Years 5-10 to get greater access to opportunities and strengthen their confidence, capability, and connection with STEM.

25 Young Future Shapers are selected annually. They can get personalised support, meet like-minded kids and experts at a STEM Camp, bring a group on a learning adventure, or create their own prize pack.

We prioritise opportunities for under-represented groups in STEM, including girls, Indigenous students, those from lower opportunity schools or regional areas.

Nominations for the 2024 intake of Young Future Shapers closed on 25 March.

Young Future Shapers will open again for nominations in Term 1, 2025. Sign up to be notified when we open the next round of nominations.

Sign up for updates

The prizes

25 Young Future Shapers will be supported with an individualised success plan, invited to tailored virtual events and choose to:

  • Attend a STEM Camp: Get the VIP treatment on a trip to meet other Future Shapers and experts. Go behind the scenes with bespoke STEM tours and activities designed to open minds, skillsets, and networks (and HAVE FUN!); OR
  • Design a group adventure: Young Future Shapers can get everyone excited about their area of interest when they take a group (i.e. their class or youth activity group) on a tailor-made excursion, or have the experts come to them; OR
  • Create a resource pack: Whether its scientific equipment, technology, books, tools, or other resources, they can shape their own prize to explore more at home.

FAQ: Eligibility

We’re looking for the curious, for those that invent things, or want to make a positive change. We hope to open the door for students that are from underrepresented groups in STEM that may not have the same access to learning opportunities and resources as others.

Girls, Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander students, students from regional schools or lower opportunity areas are groups that are underrepresented in STEM.

Young Future Shapers don’t need to be at the top of the class. If they have a passion, or even an inkling of an interest in STEM, then we’d love to hear about them.

No, they don’t. Ideally, we’re looking for young people that identify as at least one of, but not necessarily all of our priority groups.  So, they could be an Indigenous student; or a girl; or from a regional area; or from a lower opportunity area – or a combination of these groups.

Absolutely! (As long as you do not work for CSIRO, BHP Foundation or BHP).

Of course you can! Just make sure you have your parent's permission.

No, absolutely not. While any Year 5-10 student in Australia can be nominated, Young Future Shapers is not designed for students that already have access to the level of support and resources that come with being involved with STEM projects and competitions. The program aims to open the door for those that may have limited access or exposure to STEM opportunities.

Yes you can. Girls, Indigenous students; those from lower opportunity areas and those from regional areas are underrepresented in STEM. This is why we prioritise opportunities for these groups; but that doesn’t exclude other students from being considered.

Not at all. The focus of this program is not on academic achievement. We are looking for those that have something of an interest in STEM that we can help to draw out and develop further.

Maybe they just like reassembling things they’ve pulled apart, or they’re passionate about a cause that STEM could help, or they’re naturally inquisitive. Maybe they’re obsessed with a niche facet of science; or maybe they haven’t found their favourite topic in STEM (yet). Young Future Shapers is about giving them opportunities to explore more and build their STEM capabilities.

FAQ: Creating your nomination

Read these T&Cs.

Yes. For one of the questions, we need to hear from the student, whether that’s in written or video formats. If you are not the nominee’s parent, you will also need the parent/guardian’s permission.

We’ll ask you to provide some demographic, consent, and contact information, then ask for two responses, which you and the nominee can submit in writing or as a video:

Part 1 - Submitted by an adult or by the young person: "Why would the nominee make a great Young Future Shaper?"

Part 2 - To be answered by the young person themselves: "How would being a Young Future Shaper help you?"

Absolutely! A top tip from our judges is to resist using copy/paste across the nominations. Make each nomination as unique as the young person you're putting forward.

Artificial Intelligence can be a helpful tool; but the judges will be looking for information that is specific to the nominee: their interests, their journey so far and their access to opportunities.

Apply online using short written responses or videos.

Written: Type responses no longer than 500 words into the free text fields provided, or upload documents as .doc, .docx, .PDF, .jpeg, .jpg, .ppt, or .pptx files; OR

Videos: Three minutes max per question. Upload as .mov, .mp4, .wmv or .avi files

If you need to email or post your submission, contact us at and we’ll send you a form to print.

FAQ: If your nomination is successful

We will be in touch in Term 2 to notify all applicants of the outcome of the nomination.

No. The program is all inclusive.

It is up to the Future Shaper. First, they will meet with our team to map out their individual success plan. Then they can choose to:

  • attend camp (usually 3-5 days including travel); or

  • attend a local learning adventure (usually a one-day excursion); or

  • design their prize pack (no formal time commitment, other than what they spend choosing and using their new equipment).

There will also be a number of virtual events for Future Shapers to opt into.

We need parental consent for the young person to take part in the program. We encourage parents to attend the meetings between our team and the Future Shaper to map out their individual success plan and look at the options for their prize.

For Year 5-6 students that choose to go on a STEM camp, a parent/legal guardian will also need to attend (the travel/camp costs for this will be covered). Future Shapers on the Year 7-10 camp do not need to be accompanied by a parent.

If the Future Shaper would like to take their class on a local excursion, we will get in touch with the teacher to see what options we have to take this further. Our team can handle key logistics (e.g. booking venues, experts and transport; providing information for risk assessments etc.)

Got questions?

Get in touch with us at

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