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1 February 2018 1 min read

Key points

  • The Teacher Researcher in Partnership Program (TRiPP) concluded in 2019. The program offered teachers hands-on experience in emerging and innovative science by undertaking a short research project alongside a CSIRO researcher.

Teacher Ben Rerden applied for the Teacher Researcher in Partnership Program to quench his thirst for knowledge and a desire to create authentic learning experiences and engaging lessons for students. He aims to improve science literacy and prepare students for jobs of the future.

The project: Mechatronic control of a fibre spinning machine

The project Ben joined aimed to develop an extruder to create conductive wires as thin as 10-20 microns. These fibres would be used to emulate sensory nerves in soft robot applications.

Ben was involved with several aspects of the project, from the design of a syringe driver and spool to 3D printing the fibre. Ben was also involved with the physical assembly of the electrical and mechanical components and extended his knowledge of writing code for the motors, thermistors, and heaters of the extruder. He also tested various parameters to optimise the fibre production.

The impact

Through the project placement Ben gained knowledge in programming languages using Arduino, an open-source hardware and software company, that designs and manufactures single-board microcontrollers and microcontroller kits for building digital devices. He also developed a better understanding of 3D design and testing procedures.

Teacher Researcher in Partnership Program 2018 Alumni, Ben Rerden

Back in the classroom Ben used his experience to explore and experiment with properties of materials. He has implemented the design and development of circuits using Arduino and discusses the practical applications of thermodynamics with his students. 

Following his TRiPP experience Ben developed the resource Modelling the Human Hand, linking his experience developing conductive wires to emulate the nerves of the human hand.


Teacher developed resource

A range of STEM resources developed by our TRiPP alumni are available for free download. You can download Ben's student inquiry-based lesson in our Education Resource Library.

Learn more about the Teacher Researcher in Partnership Program (TRiPP) outcomes