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CSIRO research has limited applications to domestic situations, and we don't conduct research into the control of common domestic pests such as termites or wood borers. For this reason we can't provide domestic pest control advice, recommendations of control services or information on control products.

For assistance with pest control services: please contact the Australian Pest Controllers Association (APCA) or the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association (AEPMA). These two peak industry bodies are dedicated to upholding the image and professionalism of the Pest Control industry. (AEPMA is unable to assist enquirers with Pest Control advice, so visit their website for a listing of pest controllers with AEPMA membership).

State Departments of Primary Industries or Agriculture can provide advice on weed management, and generally have comprehensive weed management strategies available online.

CSIRO has a long and proud history of delivering solutions for managing invasive alien species. Research into the biological control of prickly pear dates back to CSIR (CSIRO's predecessor) in 1926.

CSIRO's invasive alien species research focuses on nationally strategic invasive species impacting on agricultural production and the environment.

CSIRO research has limited applications to domestic situations, and we don't conduct research into the control of common domestic pests such as termites or wood borers. For this reason we can't provide domestic pest control advice, recommendations of control services or information on control products.

For assistance with pest control services: please contact the Australian Pest Controllers Association (APCA) or the Australian Environmental Pest Managers Association (AEPMA). These two peak industry bodies are dedicated to upholding the image and professionalism of the Pest Control industry. (AEPMA is unable to assist enquirers with Pest Control advice, so visit their website for a listing of pest controllers with AEPMA membership).

State Departments of Primary Industries or Agriculture can provide advice on weed management, and generally have comprehensive weed management strategies available online.

CSIRO has a long and proud history of delivering solutions for managing invasive alien species. Research into the biological control of prickly pear dates back to CSIR (CSIRO's predecessor) in 1926.

CSIRO's invasive alien species research focuses on nationally strategic invasive species impacting on agricultural production and the environment.