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The way of the future

Our Future Science Platforms (FSPs) are an investment in science that underpins innovation. They have the potential to help reinvent and create new industries for Australia. FSPs will see us grow the capability of a new generation of researchers and allow Australia to attract the best students and experts to work with us on future science.

Our FSPs are multi-year, multi-disciplinary investments in our collective future – bringing CSIRO and our partners together to work on the big ideas.

The FSP Program has been running since 2017, with FSPs tracking on lifecycles of approximately five to eight years. Seven of our FSPs have matured; these are Deep Earth Imaging, Precision Health, Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, Active Integrated Matter, Digiscape, Probing Biosystems and Synthetic Biology. The technology and outputs of these FSPs have been transitioned to partners and CSIRO Business Units.


Our FSPs