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CSIRO is committed to conducting world class scientific and industrial research consistent with its roles and functions as outlined in the Science and Industry Research Act 1949.

We prepare for Australia's long term needs and are responsive to today's national imperatives. We focus on the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing Australia, using scale and extensive cross-organisational capability to deliver deep science and innovative solutions for the economy, society and the environment.

In pursuit of these objectives we build strong and enduring national and international partnerships with government, industry, academic and community stakeholders to enhance Australia's capability, capacity and flexibility to deliver impact.

We are recognised for our ability to manage major national facilities and collections for Australia's research community and beyond. Our science education and outreach programs bringing a sense of excitement and inspiration to Australia's youth.

We are an impartial, authoritative and respected source of independent science-based information for the community and government. Our staff conduct and apply their work, including research, with honesty, rigour, transparency, fairness, respect and accountability as outlined by the principles of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018. This includes showing due respect for humans, human data, human samples, animals and the environment.

We are committed to developing, implementing and maintaining practices that ensure we:

  • are creative and innovative in the conduct of science and technology, and effective in its transfer to adoption and impact for the long-term interest of Australia
  • hold our staff to the highest standards of ethical conduct
  • maintain our reputation for integrity and scientific impartiality and independence
  • prioritise our research investments on the most important areas of national interest
  • adopt and effectively implement the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 and related guidance in our activities. When working with collaborators or commissioning research from others we will also ensure that as a minimum these standards are adhered to in their activities with CSIRO
  • consider the potential impacts of our research and its outcomes from development through to delivery and publication, including the impacts of dual-use technologies
  • publish quality scientific information based on robust peer review, in papers, reports and otherwise, and high integrity data sets
  • provide independent, expert, technical advice to government and community as appropriate to inform relevant policy processes and program activities
  • build and maintain high-quality research infrastructure, including national scientific facilities, collections, and major national and international data repositories and enable access to such facilities on an appropriate basis
  • engage actively and constructively with appropriate research and technology transfer clients, partners and potential users of our scientific research and other services
  • choose and scope project outcomes consistent with our strategy and manage research in a manner which encourages collaboration and delivers projects on time, on budget and on specification
  • value and manage relationships nationally and internationally with government, industry, research organisations and universities, and the end users of research
  • respect the intellectual property rights of others and use intellectual property rights strategically to achieve our purpose
  • respect and encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' rights to maintain, control, protect and develop their intellectual property over their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions and be engaged in research that affects or is of particular significance to them
  • support our researchers with education and advisors to enable them to meet the standards set out in this policy
  • agree commercial terms with clients and partners consistent with enterprise strategy and the nature of transaction.

Our success will be measured by the lasting benefits delivered to Australia and the world through great science and innovative solutions. We will monitor and report the impact of our activities to ensure we achieve this outcome and our commitment to the highest standards of research practice.

CSIRO is committed to conducting world class scientific and industrial research consistent with its roles and functions as outlined in the Science and Industry Research Act 1949.

We prepare for Australia's long term needs and are responsive to today's national imperatives. We focus on the most pressing challenges and opportunities facing Australia, using scale and extensive cross-organisational capability to deliver deep science and innovative solutions for the economy, society and the environment.

In pursuit of these objectives we build strong and enduring national and international partnerships with government, industry, academic and community stakeholders to enhance Australia's capability, capacity and flexibility to deliver impact.

We are recognised for our ability to manage major national facilities and collections for Australia's research community and beyond. Our science education and outreach programs bringing a sense of excitement and inspiration to Australia's youth.

We are an impartial, authoritative and respected source of independent science-based information for the community and government. Our staff conduct and apply their work, including research, with honesty, rigour, transparency, fairness, respect and accountability as outlined by the principles of the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018. This includes showing due respect for humans, human data, human samples, animals and the environment.

We are committed to developing, implementing and maintaining practices that ensure we:

  • are creative and innovative in the conduct of science and technology, and effective in its transfer to adoption and impact for the long-term interest of Australia
  • hold our staff to the highest standards of ethical conduct
  • maintain our reputation for integrity and scientific impartiality and independence
  • prioritise our research investments on the most important areas of national interest
  • adopt and effectively implement the Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 and related guidance in our activities. When working with collaborators or commissioning research from others we will also ensure that as a minimum these standards are adhered to in their activities with CSIRO
  • consider the potential impacts of our research and its outcomes from development through to delivery and publication, including the impacts of dual-use technologies
  • publish quality scientific information based on robust peer review, in papers, reports and otherwise, and high integrity data sets
  • provide independent, expert, technical advice to government and community as appropriate to inform relevant policy processes and program activities
  • build and maintain high-quality research infrastructure, including national scientific facilities, collections, and major national and international data repositories and enable access to such facilities on an appropriate basis
  • engage actively and constructively with appropriate research and technology transfer clients, partners and potential users of our scientific research and other services
  • choose and scope project outcomes consistent with our strategy and manage research in a manner which encourages collaboration and delivers projects on time, on budget and on specification
  • value and manage relationships nationally and internationally with government, industry, research organisations and universities, and the end users of research
  • respect the intellectual property rights of others and use intellectual property rights strategically to achieve our purpose
  • respect and encourage Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples' rights to maintain, control, protect and develop their intellectual property over their cultural heritage, traditional knowledge, and traditional cultural expressions and be engaged in research that affects or is of particular significance to them
  • support our researchers with education and advisors to enable them to meet the standards set out in this policy
  • agree commercial terms with clients and partners consistent with enterprise strategy and the nature of transaction.

Our success will be measured by the lasting benefits delivered to Australia and the world through great science and innovative solutions. We will monitor and report the impact of our activities to ensure we achieve this outcome and our commitment to the highest standards of research practice.