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SSC Terms of Reference


The purpose of the SSC is to provide advice to the MNF SC on:

  • Supplementary applications for MNF Granted Voyages for research, education and the testing of new equipment and processes;
  • The draft final voyage schedule; and
  • User Funded Voyage proposals.


The membership of the SSC comprises of:

  • MNF Operations Manager (Chair);
  • Two members of the MNF Research Advisory Committee (RAC);
  • One member of the National Benefit Advisory Committee (NBAC); and
  • MNF Operations Officer/s.

 Note – Additional members of the RAC and NBAC can be called on as required.

Nomination and terms

The following process is carried out annually to select members of the SSC:

  1. RAC Chair nominates two RAC representatives for endorsement by the MNF SC Chair;
  2. NBAC Chair nominatesa NBAC representative for endorsement by the MNF SC Chair; and
  3. the nomination of members takes into account the assessment requirements after applications have been received.

Sitting fees

Independent members of the SSC may be entitled to be paid sitting fees for the meetings and committee work outside of normal meetings which are carried out on behalf of the Marine National Facility.


The SSC will have at least one formal meeting a year and additional meetings as required including the assessment of User Funded Voyage proposals as received.

Conflict of interest and confidentiality

Any SSC member who has a real or potential conflict of interest must declare this to the  SSC Chair at the outset of any meeting or assessment process. The conflict and resulting decision will be recorded in the meeting minutes. SSC members must at all times strictly maintain confidentiality of the SSC process.


The role of the SSC is outlined in the MNF policy Principles of Access to Investigator and more specifically below.

MNF Granted Voyages

The role of the SSC is to advise the MNF SC by:

  • Providing advice on the conduct and effectiveness of the Supplementary application process
  • Annually assessing and ranking proposals
  • Making a recommendation on which proposals from the Supplementary application process should (or should not) be considered for inclusion in the annual voyage schedule
  • Producing a draft final voyage schedule
  • Providing any other advice as required.

User Funded Voyages (UFV)

The roles of the SSC are to advise the MNF Director by:

  • Assessing and ranking UFV proposals
  • Making a recommendation on which UFV proposals should (or should not) be considered for inclusion in the annual voyage schedule
  • Providing any other advice as required.

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SSC Terms of Reference PDF (187 KB)


The purpose of the SSC is to provide advice to the MNF SC on:

  • Supplementary applications for MNF Granted Voyages for research, education and the testing of new equipment and processes;
  • The draft final voyage schedule; and
  • User Funded Voyage proposals.


The membership of the SSC comprises of:

  • MNF Operations Manager (Chair);
  • Two members of the MNF Research Advisory Committee (RAC);
  • One member of the National Benefit Advisory Committee (NBAC); and
  • MNF Operations Officer/s.

 Note – Additional members of the RAC and NBAC can be called on as required.

Nomination and terms

The following process is carried out annually to select members of the SSC:

  1. RAC Chair nominates two RAC representatives for endorsement by the MNF SC Chair;
  2. NBAC Chair nominatesa NBAC representative for endorsement by the MNF SC Chair; and
  3. the nomination of members takes into account the assessment requirements after applications have been received.

Sitting fees

Independent members of the SSC may be entitled to be paid sitting fees for the meetings and committee work outside of normal meetings which are carried out on behalf of the Marine National Facility.


The SSC will have at least one formal meeting a year and additional meetings as required including the assessment of User Funded Voyage proposals as received.

Conflict of interest and confidentiality

Any SSC member who has a real or potential conflict of interest must declare this to the  SSC Chair at the outset of any meeting or assessment process. The conflict and resulting decision will be recorded in the meeting minutes. SSC members must at all times strictly maintain confidentiality of the SSC process.


The role of the SSC is outlined in the MNF policy Principles of Access to Investigator and more specifically below.

MNF Granted Voyages

The role of the SSC is to advise the MNF SC by:

  • Providing advice on the conduct and effectiveness of the Supplementary application process
  • Annually assessing and ranking proposals
  • Making a recommendation on which proposals from the Supplementary application process should (or should not) be considered for inclusion in the annual voyage schedule
  • Producing a draft final voyage schedule
  • Providing any other advice as required.

User Funded Voyages (UFV)

The roles of the SSC are to advise the MNF Director by:

  • Assessing and ranking UFV proposals
  • Making a recommendation on which UFV proposals should (or should not) be considered for inclusion in the annual voyage schedule
  • Providing any other advice as required.