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1.1. The ANIC welcomes all proposals to use its collections in as many ways as possible to help further scientific study.

1.2. Destructive or invasive sampling of specimens for research purposes generally involves irreversible changes (including complete destruction) to the samples.

1.3. The destructive sampling policy will govern a variety of situations, including: scanning electron microscope studies (SEM), which involve a metallic coating of specimens; morphological disarticulation studies; serological or protein studies; and chromosome or DNA research.

1.4. The ANIC will assess a request for destructive sampling of specimens in terms of its scientific, historical and cultural importance; the needs of both present and future users; and the legal and ethical issues as they relate to the material.

1.5. Where possible, any specimens to be destructively sampled should be taken from a series of specimens of the same population of the taxon with the exact same data (e.g. locality, date, collector, etc.).


2.1. Proposals for research involving use of whole or part specimens for dissection or destructive or invasive sampling should be completed using the online application form and addressed to the Collection Manager.

2.2. The proposal should include:

2.2.1. A brief outline of the project;

2.2.2. A brief justification for using the material to do the project;

2.2.3. Evidence that the proposed techniques produce reliable results; and

2.2.4. Evidence that the requestor has the necessary experience.

2.3. The Collection Manager and/or relevant research staff will evaluate the proposal. Further information or references may be requested.

2.4. If the proposal is acceptable the Collection Manager will decide, in consultation, which specimens, if any, may be used. The ANIC reserves the right to refuse permission for the use of destructive sampling on its specimens.


3.1. Both specimen and extract must be clearly labelled with a unique index number that links them together and to a database / spreadsheet record. Simple sequential numbering like 1, 2, 3 are NOT sufficient. If you haven't been supplied with such numbers when receiving the specimens, ask the ANIC Collection Manager for such numbers.

3.2. Specimen data have to be recorded in the provided spreadsheet template (XLS format), and all fields should be filled in where possible.

3.3. In the case of destructive sampling (i.e., a method that changes the external appearance) the intact specimen should be properly photographed (entire specimen to be destroyed: MUST; major body parts to be removed: ideally).

3.4. Damage to specimens must be limited as much as possible.

3.4.1. If other damaging preparations are required, utilise these to obtain DNA/RNA (e.g., tissue from genital preparations should be cleared with Proteinase K, rather than with potassium hydroxide).

3.4.2. Only as little of the specimen as really needed for the task should be destroyed/removed (e.g., a single leg if sufficient, rather than the entire specimen).

3.4.3. If possible, care should be taken to destroy only structures for which a duplicate remains (e.g., one of two mesothoracal legs), and ideally only structures that are not used for identification (e.g., avoid legs for which the number of tibial spurs is critical for identification, like metathoracal legs).

3.4.4. In case of small samples, for which the entire specimen has to be extracted, the specimen must be digested with Proteinase K to release the DNA (crushing is NOT permitted!), while the remaining chitinous shell must be thoroughly rinsed with water and preserved appropriately (in ethanol, slide-mounted, micro-pinned, ...).

3.4.5. Any remainder of the sample (voucher) must be clearly labelled (see above) and returned to ANIC

3.5. DNA/RNA extracts should be made to the highest quality standard possible.

3.5.1. Special care must be taken to avoid contaminations (i.e., only work with sterile instruments on the sample and sterilise instruments between different samples)!

3.5.2. A quality extraction kit should be used to minimise A) the loss of short fragments [consider a silicon carbide matrix, e.g., from Norgen, over a standard silica matrix, e.g., from Qiagen and most other manufacturers] and B) contaminations with salt and other PCR inhibitors.

3.6. Unused extracts, or at least aliquots thereof, should be returned to the ANIC for long-term storage. The return has to happen in a manner that the extract is not destroyed during transport (e.g., cooling), and all extracts have to be properly labelled.

3.7. If aliquots of extracts are retained, these must not be shared with others without written permission from the ANIC.

3.8. If you have questions about the procedure and/or extraction, contact


4.1. The Collection Manager and/or relevant research staff must agree to proposed invasive techniques. ANIC staff can advise on suitable techniques.

4.2. The applicant agrees to:

4.2.1. Return to the ANIC all remaining material including the original mount, dissected parts and any preparations.

4.2.2. Make permanent preparations of all remaining parts;

4.2.3. Provide each permanent preparation with a direct copy of the specimen data including determination; in permanent ink on an archival quality label.

4.2.4. Fully cross-reference all preparations with the original specimen;

4.2.5. Conform to the normal loan regulations where material is to be removed from the ANIC;

4.2.6. Identify specimens as far as possible before dissection or preparation;

4.2.7. Publish jointly with ANIC staff if the latter have contributed significantly to the work;

4.2.8. Acknowledge ANIC staff and the use of the Collection in publications involving the ANIC specimens; and

4.2.9. Send to the ANIC reprints of publication involving the use of ANIC specimens.

4.3. Material can only be passed to third parties with the approval of the Collection Manager.

4.4. The material should not be used for commercial or profit-making purposes without appropriate permission from the ANIC or CSIRO.

4.5. Sequence data from ANIC specimens and/or their accession numbers from public repositories must be made available to ANIC in electronic format once generated. The ANIC undertakes not to disseminate these data until after they have been published. The research and the results of the research may not be commercially exploited in any way without the prior written agreement of the CSIRO. Such agreements may be refused at the CSIRO’s absolute discretion or granted subject to such conditions as the CSIRO decides.

4.6. The recipient shall comply with all laws, regulations and/or guidelines applying to use of the material and assume sole responsibility for any claims or liabilities that may arise as a result of the recipients use of the material.


1.1. The ANIC welcomes all proposals to use its collections in as many ways as possible to help further scientific study.

1.2. Destructive or invasive sampling of specimens for research purposes generally involves irreversible changes (including complete destruction) to the samples.

1.3. The destructive sampling policy will govern a variety of situations, including: scanning electron microscope studies (SEM), which involve a metallic coating of specimens; morphological disarticulation studies; serological or protein studies; and chromosome or DNA research.

1.4. The ANIC will assess a request for destructive sampling of specimens in terms of its scientific, historical and cultural importance; the needs of both present and future users; and the legal and ethical issues as they relate to the material.

1.5. Where possible, any specimens to be destructively sampled should be taken from a series of specimens of the same population of the taxon with the exact same data (e.g. locality, date, collector, etc.).


2.1. Proposals for research involving use of whole or part specimens for dissection or destructive or invasive sampling should be completed using the online application form and addressed to the Collection Manager.

2.2. The proposal should include:

2.2.1. A brief outline of the project;

2.2.2. A brief justification for using the material to do the project;

2.2.3. Evidence that the proposed techniques produce reliable results; and

2.2.4. Evidence that the requestor has the necessary experience.

2.3. The Collection Manager and/or relevant research staff will evaluate the proposal. Further information or references may be requested.

2.4. If the proposal is acceptable the Collection Manager will decide, in consultation, which specimens, if any, may be used. The ANIC reserves the right to refuse permission for the use of destructive sampling on its specimens.


3.1. Both specimen and extract must be clearly labelled with a unique index number that links them together and to a database / spreadsheet record. Simple sequential numbering like 1, 2, 3 are NOT sufficient. If you haven't been supplied with such numbers when receiving the specimens, ask the ANIC Collection Manager for such numbers.

3.2. Specimen data have to be recorded in the provided spreadsheet template (XLS format), and all fields should be filled in where possible.

3.3. In the case of destructive sampling (i.e., a method that changes the external appearance) the intact specimen should be properly photographed (entire specimen to be destroyed: MUST; major body parts to be removed: ideally).

3.4. Damage to specimens must be limited as much as possible.

3.4.1. If other damaging preparations are required, utilise these to obtain DNA/RNA (e.g., tissue from genital preparations should be cleared with Proteinase K, rather than with potassium hydroxide).

3.4.2. Only as little of the specimen as really needed for the task should be destroyed/removed (e.g., a single leg if sufficient, rather than the entire specimen).

3.4.3. If possible, care should be taken to destroy only structures for which a duplicate remains (e.g., one of two mesothoracal legs), and ideally only structures that are not used for identification (e.g., avoid legs for which the number of tibial spurs is critical for identification, like metathoracal legs).

3.4.4. In case of small samples, for which the entire specimen has to be extracted, the specimen must be digested with Proteinase K to release the DNA (crushing is NOT permitted!), while the remaining chitinous shell must be thoroughly rinsed with water and preserved appropriately (in ethanol, slide-mounted, micro-pinned, ...).

3.4.5. Any remainder of the sample (voucher) must be clearly labelled (see above) and returned to ANIC

3.5. DNA/RNA extracts should be made to the highest quality standard possible.

3.5.1. Special care must be taken to avoid contaminations (i.e., only work with sterile instruments on the sample and sterilise instruments between different samples)!

3.5.2. A quality extraction kit should be used to minimise A) the loss of short fragments [consider a silicon carbide matrix, e.g., from Norgen, over a standard silica matrix, e.g., from Qiagen and most other manufacturers] and B) contaminations with salt and other PCR inhibitors.

3.6. Unused extracts, or at least aliquots thereof, should be returned to the ANIC for long-term storage. The return has to happen in a manner that the extract is not destroyed during transport (e.g., cooling), and all extracts have to be properly labelled.

3.7. If aliquots of extracts are retained, these must not be shared with others without written permission from the ANIC.

3.8. If you have questions about the procedure and/or extraction, contact


4.1. The Collection Manager and/or relevant research staff must agree to proposed invasive techniques. ANIC staff can advise on suitable techniques.

4.2. The applicant agrees to:

4.2.1. Return to the ANIC all remaining material including the original mount, dissected parts and any preparations.

4.2.2. Make permanent preparations of all remaining parts;

4.2.3. Provide each permanent preparation with a direct copy of the specimen data including determination; in permanent ink on an archival quality label.

4.2.4. Fully cross-reference all preparations with the original specimen;

4.2.5. Conform to the normal loan regulations where material is to be removed from the ANIC;

4.2.6. Identify specimens as far as possible before dissection or preparation;

4.2.7. Publish jointly with ANIC staff if the latter have contributed significantly to the work;

4.2.8. Acknowledge ANIC staff and the use of the Collection in publications involving the ANIC specimens; and

4.2.9. Send to the ANIC reprints of publication involving the use of ANIC specimens.

4.3. Material can only be passed to third parties with the approval of the Collection Manager.

4.4. The material should not be used for commercial or profit-making purposes without appropriate permission from the ANIC or CSIRO.

4.5. Sequence data from ANIC specimens and/or their accession numbers from public repositories must be made available to ANIC in electronic format once generated. The ANIC undertakes not to disseminate these data until after they have been published. The research and the results of the research may not be commercially exploited in any way without the prior written agreement of the CSIRO. Such agreements may be refused at the CSIRO’s absolute discretion or granted subject to such conditions as the CSIRO decides.

4.6. The recipient shall comply with all laws, regulations and/or guidelines applying to use of the material and assume sole responsibility for any claims or liabilities that may arise as a result of the recipients use of the material.