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CSIRO hosts a number of national facilities, collections or research infrastructure to support national and international science teams to undertake their research. This includes biological collections within National Research Collections Australia (Algae, Fish, Herbarium, Insect, Tree Seed, Wildlife collections), National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy-funded facilities including the Marine National Facility and the Atlas of Living Australia, and the Australia Telescope National Facility and the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness. Collectively these facilities support many thousands of users annually delivering both science and decision-making impact to multiple sectors.

Ensuring these facilities, and the role CSIRO plays in hosting them is appropriately cited and acknowledged remains an important goal for our organisation to better understand the impact we deliver. The following provides an overview of preferred citation and acknowledgement statements for these facilities.

Where to cite and acknowledge

Acknowledgement and citations should be in all forms of publication including presentations where the acknowledgement should be on the closing slide, journals, books, report and related research outputs.

Citation and acknowledgement of CSIRO's National Facilities and Collections.
Infrastructure Suggested Citation/Link to external page with citation details
Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) Please refer to the ALA 'How to Cite' Support Article
Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF) ATNF Publications Acknowledgement Statements are available on the ATNF site.
Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP)

The following acknowledgement statement should be included where the ACDP facility has been used:

The authors acknowledge the capabilities of the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness ( in undertaking this research.

The following acknowledgement should be included where NCRIS-funded infrastructure at ACDP has been used:

The authors acknowledge the capabilities of the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness ( in undertaking this research, including infrastructure funded by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy.

Australian National Algae Culture Collection (ANACC)

We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Australian National Algae Culture Collection (ANACC), ( in undertaking this research.


Please cite the ANACC CS-number(s) used; e.g. CS-302/11 (you may additionally quote, but not solely, the descriptive strain code. e.g. GCHU11.


We would like to acknowledge from the ANACC (insert the names of curators and/or research staff who facilitated culture supply or provided you with additional information.

Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC)

We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Australian National Fish Collection, ( in undertaking this research.


Please cite the ANFC registration number in the following format: CSIRO A 1234, B 1234, C 1234, CA 1234, H 1234-12 or T 1234-12.


Acknowledgement of specific ANFC staff for their contribution (e.g. specimen loans, provision of data/samples, taking of photographs/radiographs) to the research or paper is encouraged.

Australian National Herbarium (ANH)

We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Australian National Herbarium, ( in undertaking this research.

A link to Condition of Loans & Exchange is available from Australian National Herbarium.

Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC)

We are grateful to (insert names of staff) (of) the CSIRO Australian National Insect Collection, ( for assistance in undertaking this research.


Please cite the ANIC registration number(s) used: e.g. ANIC-12-12345

Australian National Soil Archive (ASNA) We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Australian National Soil Archive, ( in undertaking this research.
Australian National Wildlife Collection (ANWC)

We are grateful to (insert names of staff) (of) the CSIRO Australian National Wildlife Collection, ( for assistance in undertaking this research.


Please cite the 6-character ANWC registration number in the following format: Amphibians: ANWC A01234; Birds: ANWC B01234; Eggs: ANWC E01234 Mammals: ANWC M01234; Nests: ANWC N12345; Reptiles: ANWC R01234; Palaeontology: ANWC P01234; Sounds: ANWC X01234..

Australian Tree Seed Centre (ATSC) We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Australian Tree Seed Collection, ( in undertaking this research.
Marine National Facility (MNF)

We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Marine National Facility, ( in undertaking this research.

You can view and download MNF’s Data and Sample Management Policy which also contains this suggested citation.

National Collection and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre We acknowledge the use of the NCMI Information and Data Centre, ( in undertaking this research.


CSIRO hosts a number of national facilities, collections or research infrastructure to support national and international science teams to undertake their research. This includes biological collections within National Research Collections Australia (Algae, Fish, Herbarium, Insect, Tree Seed, Wildlife collections), National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy-funded facilities including the Marine National Facility and the Atlas of Living Australia, and the Australia Telescope National Facility and the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness. Collectively these facilities support many thousands of users annually delivering both science and decision-making impact to multiple sectors.

Ensuring these facilities, and the role CSIRO plays in hosting them is appropriately cited and acknowledged remains an important goal for our organisation to better understand the impact we deliver. The following provides an overview of preferred citation and acknowledgement statements for these facilities.

Where to cite and acknowledge

Acknowledgement and citations should be in all forms of publication including presentations where the acknowledgement should be on the closing slide, journals, books, report and related research outputs.

Citation and acknowledgement of CSIRO's National Facilities and Collections.
Infrastructure Suggested Citation/Link to external page with citation details
Atlas of Living Australia (ALA) Please refer to the ALA 'How to Cite' Support Article
Australia Telescope National Facility (ATNF) ATNF Publications Acknowledgement Statements are available on the ATNF site.
Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness (ACDP)

The following acknowledgement statement should be included where the ACDP facility has been used:

The authors acknowledge the capabilities of the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness ( in undertaking this research.

The following acknowledgement should be included where NCRIS-funded infrastructure at ACDP has been used:

The authors acknowledge the capabilities of the Australian Centre for Disease Preparedness ( in undertaking this research, including infrastructure funded by the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy.

Australian National Algae Culture Collection (ANACC)

We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Australian National Algae Culture Collection (ANACC), ( in undertaking this research.


Please cite the ANACC CS-number(s) used; e.g. CS-302/11 (you may additionally quote, but not solely, the descriptive strain code. e.g. GCHU11.


We would like to acknowledge from the ANACC (insert the names of curators and/or research staff who facilitated culture supply or provided you with additional information.

Australian National Fish Collection (ANFC)

We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Australian National Fish Collection, ( in undertaking this research.


Please cite the ANFC registration number in the following format: CSIRO A 1234, B 1234, C 1234, CA 1234, H 1234-12 or T 1234-12.


Acknowledgement of specific ANFC staff for their contribution (e.g. specimen loans, provision of data/samples, taking of photographs/radiographs) to the research or paper is encouraged.

Australian National Herbarium (ANH)

We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Australian National Herbarium, ( in undertaking this research.

A link to Condition of Loans & Exchange is available from Australian National Herbarium.

Australian National Insect Collection (ANIC)

We are grateful to (insert names of staff) (of) the CSIRO Australian National Insect Collection, ( for assistance in undertaking this research.


Please cite the ANIC registration number(s) used: e.g. ANIC-12-12345

Australian National Soil Archive (ASNA) We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Australian National Soil Archive, ( in undertaking this research.
Australian National Wildlife Collection (ANWC)

We are grateful to (insert names of staff) (of) the CSIRO Australian National Wildlife Collection, ( for assistance in undertaking this research.


Please cite the 6-character ANWC registration number in the following format: Amphibians: ANWC A01234; Birds: ANWC B01234; Eggs: ANWC E01234 Mammals: ANWC M01234; Nests: ANWC N12345; Reptiles: ANWC R01234; Palaeontology: ANWC P01234; Sounds: ANWC X01234..

Australian Tree Seed Centre (ATSC) We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Australian Tree Seed Collection, ( in undertaking this research.
Marine National Facility (MNF)

We acknowledge the use of the CSIRO Marine National Facility, ( in undertaking this research.

You can view and download MNF’s Data and Sample Management Policy which also contains this suggested citation.

National Collection and Marine Infrastructure (NCMI) Information and Data Centre We acknowledge the use of the NCMI Information and Data Centre, ( in undertaking this research.