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The challenge

Supporting the Australian Manufacturing Industry

Australian manufacturing constantly faces pressure from increasing production costs and mounting global competition. To increase market share our businesses need to grow through competitive advantage, and improved profitability. Entering and expanding into international markets is vital for the longevity of Australia’s manufacturing industry.

Textor Technologies production facility with moisture-trapping fabric co-developed with CSIRO.

Textor Technologies, a Victorian family owned company, produces an array of textiles used in health care, personal hygiene and industrial products. The competitive advantage in this industry comes from material with advanced fluid absorption. Textor’s goal was to enter the international market by differentiating their products through innovation.

Our response

Accelerating small business entry into competitive global markets

CSIRO and Textor partnered to develop the highly absorbent material. The partnership resulted in a novel three dimensional moisture-trapping fabric that is significantly more absorbent and comfortable, and can be efficiently produced in large quantities.

The new material is being incorporated into the millions of nappies produced in Sydney, the USA, and Russia by global company Kimberly-Clark.

The results

Improved manufacturing processes and efficiency

CSIRO's partnership with Textor resulted in improved manufacturing processes and efficiency, in turn increasing annual gross turnover and profitability. Textor now manufactures 100 million square metres1 of moisture-trapping fabric each year, making them a key supplier to the global market.

There has also been increased investment in Textor's manufacturing plant and equipment to support expansion into international export markets, including the Asia-Pacific, Russia and the United States. The growing export activity contributes to the improved sustainability of the Australian manufacturing sector.

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