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[Image shows Prof Graeme Young talking to the camera]

Prof Graeme Young: Bowel Cancer is a major killer, accounting for 600,000 deaths worldwide, each year.

[Image changes to show scientists running experiments and working on computers in a laboratory type setting]

In Australia, 40 new cases are diagnosed each day, with 50% of people suffering a recurrence after the treatment of the initial illness. To combat this, we’ve developed a new and more accurate test that detects cancer DNA in the blood.

[Image changes to show Dr Peter Molloy talking to the camera]

Dr Peter Molloy: The innovation known as Colvera is the result of the collaboration between CSIRO,

[Image changes to show flashing shots of scientists running experiments and working on computers]

Flinders University and Clinical Genomics. After launching in the U.S. last year, this new test will become available in Australia Soon.

[Image changes to show Prog Graeme Young, Dr Sanne Pedersen and Dr Peter Molloy standing and smiling at the camera]

[Sponsors logos appear on screen (CSIRO, Clinical Genomics and Flinders Centre for Innovation in Cancer) three columns of names are on screen, starting left to right top to bottom: Mike Buckley, Glenn Brown, Horace Drew, Konsta Duesing, Rob Dunne, Lloyd Graham, Richard Head, Thu Ho, Trevor Lockett, Susan Mitchell, Peter Molloy, Keith Rand, Jason Ross, Neil Saunders, Zheng-zhou Xu, Lawrence LaPointe, Susanne Pedersen, David Murray, Rohan Baker, Aidan McEvoy, Snigdha Gaur, Melissa Thomas, Emma Vizgoft, Lindsay Collinson, Prof Graeme Young, Erin Symonds, Steve Cole, Chris Karapetis, Letitia Pimlott, Jane Upton, Robert Fraser, Susie Byrne, Libby Bambaccas, Paul Hollington, David Wattchow]