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In 2024, RTI International and Tractuum Pty Ltd were commissioned by CSIRO to assess:

Green birds, approximately 100 flying across a clear blue sky

  1. CSIRO's current impact maturity, and
  2. The value delivered to Australia by the public investment in CSIRO.

The report is a meta-analysis of 84 impact assessments conducted by independent evaluators of CSIRO's portfolio, as well as inclusion and verification of non-monetised contributions made to the advancement in knowledge, accessibility to infrastructure, and other system-level outcomes. All evidence builds on previous analyses in 2020 and 2022.

Overall, the report quantifies, qualifies, and aggregates values to generate the present value of benefits and costs of CSIRO research activities and programs, resulting in an estimated benefit-cost ratio of 8.8 to 1, meaning that every $1 invested in CSIRO results in about $8.80 in economic, social, and environmental value.

The report also offers a holistic analysis, and lessons learnt of CSIRO's internal operations and the external engagement necessary to maximise its social, environmental, and economic contributions to the nation. These findings will help support CSIRO's drive to continually improve its impact capacity and maturity.

Download the full report

In 2024, RTI International and Tractuum Pty Ltd were commissioned by CSIRO to assess:

The 2024 Value of CSIRO report.

  1. CSIRO's current impact maturity, and
  2. The value delivered to Australia by the public investment in CSIRO.

The report is a meta-analysis of 84 impact assessments conducted by independent evaluators of CSIRO's portfolio, as well as inclusion and verification of non-monetised contributions made to the advancement in knowledge, accessibility to infrastructure, and other system-level outcomes. All evidence builds on previous analyses in 2020 and 2022.

Overall, the report quantifies, qualifies, and aggregates values to generate the present value of benefits and costs of CSIRO research activities and programs, resulting in an estimated benefit-cost ratio of 8.8 to 1, meaning that every $1 invested in CSIRO results in about $8.80 in economic, social, and environmental value.

The report also offers a holistic analysis, and lessons learnt of CSIRO's internal operations and the external engagement necessary to maximise its social, environmental, and economic contributions to the nation. These findings will help support CSIRO's drive to continually improve its impact capacity and maturity.

Download the full report