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Corporate Plan 2024-25 front coverAs Australia’s national science agency, our Corporate Plan outlines how we will deliver on our purpose to solve the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology and realise our vision to create a better future for Australia.

It reflects the direction set by the Australian Government in its Statement of Expectations and our response in our Statement of Intent, our role in the research and innovation ecosystem, as well as the input of our people and partners across the country. This Plan also reflects our focus on increasing CSIRO’s impact for the nation through simplification and sustainability.

Our objectives to deliver

Our strategy outlines the 4 objectives that explain how we will deliver on our purpose and ensure CSIRO plays its vital role in Australia’s innovation ecosystem. Our objectives set out where we are directing our focus and investments. They are executed through strategic priorities and key initiatives that drive our performance. Our objectives are always underpinned by our values so we can ensure the work we do creates a better future for Australia.

The challenges we are solving

Our work at CSIRO spans a range of scientific disciplines from basic research to applied solutions. Our strategy provides detail on the 6 greatest challenges we are working to solve through our research for national benefit, as well as the infrastructure we manage for the nation and our underlying capabilities to support our science and innovation. We work with government, research organisations, industry and the community to deliver impact under the challenges through large-scale scientific research initiatives.


We are pleased to present our:

2024-25 Strategy on a page infographic

As Australia’s national science agency, our Corporate Plan outlines how we will deliver on our purpose to solve the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology and realise our vision to create a better future for Australia.

The Corporate Plan is our key strategic planning document that demonstrates how we will deliver on our purpose over the next 4 years.

It reflects the direction set by the Australian Government in its Statement of Expectations and our response in our Statement of Intent, our role in the research and innovation ecosystem, as well as the input of our people and partners across the country. This Plan also reflects our focus on increasing CSIRO’s impact for the nation through simplification and sustainability.

Our objectives to deliver

Our strategy outlines the 4 objectives that explain how we will deliver on our purpose and ensure CSIRO plays its vital role in Australia’s innovation ecosystem. Our objectives set out where we are directing our focus and investments. They are executed through strategic priorities and key initiatives that drive our performance. Our objectives are always underpinned by our values so we can ensure the work we do creates a better future for Australia.

The challenges we are solving

Our work at CSIRO spans a range of scientific disciplines from basic research to applied solutions. Our strategy provides detail on the 6 greatest challenges we are working to solve through our research for national benefit, as well as the infrastructure we manage for the nation and our underlying capabilities to support our science and innovation. We work with government, research organisations, industry and the community to deliver impact under the challenges through large-scale scientific research initiatives.


We are pleased to present our:

2024–25 Strategy

Our purpose is to solve the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology

Our objectives to deliver:

  • Purpose-driven science and technology: Invest in the right science and technology to deliver impact at-scale aligned with the challenges we are solving and the portfolio of research directed to them.
  • Infrastructure stewardship: Be stewards of fit-for-purpose and sustainable research infrastructure that stimulates collaborative networks in Australia’s innovation ecosystem to deliver long-term national benefit.
  • A stronger national innovation system: Enable system-level coalitions to address national challenges and advance Australia’s research translation and commercialisation performance.
  • An enduring and empowered CSIRO: Attract and retain world-class talent and strengthen our nation’s STEM pipeline. Strengthen a culture that makes us an employer of choice and operate in an adaptable, resilient and responsive way.

The challenges we are solving: 

  • Health and wellbeing: Enhance the health and wellbeing of all Australians.
  • Sustainable agriculture and food systems: Help grow a sustainable future for Australia’s agri-food and fibre sectors. 
  • A secure Australia and region: Safeguard Australia and our region from threats.
  • Resilient and valuable environments: Enhance the resilience and value of our natural and built environments.
  • Sustainable energy and resources: Lower emissions to net zero while sustaining Australia’s prosperity.
  • Future industries: Create Australia’s future sustainable jobs and industries.

Our vision is to create a better future for Australia

Our values underpinning how we work:

  • People first
  • Making it real
  • Trusted
  • Further together
Our purpose is to solve the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology.

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