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The Executive team is supported by the CSIRO Leadership Team (CLT)

Download a copy of the full Executive Team and CLT organisation chart.

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The Executive team is supported by the CSIRO Leadership Team (CLT)

Download a copy of the full Executive Team and CLT organisation chart PDF (84 KB).

Dr Doug Hilton AO

Chief Executive

Dr Doug Hilton AO commenced as CSIRO Chief Executive on September 29, 2023.

Dr Hilton is a molecular and cellular biologist and previously Director of the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research (WEHI). At WEHI, his medical research focussed on understanding how blood cells communicate and using this knowledge to improve disease treatments. He and his team held more than 20 patents and translated their research through collaboration with venture capitalists and the biopharmaceutical industry. Through an honorary appointment in the Zoology Department at University of Melbourne, he also studies a family of tiny day-flying moths involved in the pollination of Australian plants.

Beyond research, Dr Hilton has emphasised the importance of strong institutional cultures, and furthered diversity in science including as a member of the Champion of Change Coalition and a board member of Australians Investing in Women.

Ms Kirsten Rose

Deputy Chief Executive

As Deputy Chief Executive, Kirsten Rose works closely with the Chief Executive and CSIRO Board on the strategic direction of the organisation. She leads a portfolio of enterprise functions, including strategy, engagement and collaboration, and is co-chair of CSIRO’s Diversity, Inclusion and Belonging council. Before taking on this role in May 2024, she was Executive Director, Future Industries where she led the Agriculture and Food, Health and Biosecurity, Manufacturing and Science Connect business units. Kirsten is a respected leader in technology and innovation, with a career spanning 30 years in the US, UK and Australia. Prior to joining CSIRO, she was a Head of Innovation, Sustainable Operations at BHP, where she had global responsibility for bringing together innovation and technology to drive material improvements in key sustainability-related challenges. Her commitment to excellence in a range of areas is highlighted by her leadership in areas beyond CSIRO, including her appointment as a Director on the Pilbara Ports Board and membership of the AmCham Board of Governors.

Mr Tom Munyard

Chief Operating Officer

Tom Munyard was appointed as Chief Operating Officer in May 2022 and leads our teams in finance, property, governance, corporate affairs and information management and technology. He is responsible for leading CSIRO's ongoing financial and operational sustainability. Prior to this Tom held the position of Chief Finance Officer from February 2017. Tom is committed to continually improving CSIRO’s operations to best support the delivery of science and technology, with a focus on sustainability and best practice governance. Prior to joining CSIRO, Tom was a Senior Executive at the Department of Immigration and Border Protection, leading teams responsible for delivering budget, financial accounting and financial policy matters to the Department. Tom’s career in Federal Government across 20 years includes a variety of financial roles within the Human Services, Climate Change and Border Protection portfolios. Tom is qualified member of CPA Australia and has a degree of Commerce in Accounting from the University of Canberra.

Dr Peter Mayfield

Executive Director – Environment, Energy And Resources

As Executive Director Environment, Energy and Resources, Dr Peter Mayfield has responsibility for approximately 1400 researchers in Energy, Mineral Resources, and Environment. These researchers provide science and technology solutions that will enhance the value Australia derives from its vast energy and mineral resources while maintaining and enhancing the sustainability of our atmosphere, oceans and continent.

Prof Elanor Huntington

Executive Director – Digital, National Facilities and Collections

Professor Huntington leads the data-focused research, development and digital capability of CSIRO, and is a member of the Executive Team. She has stewardship of a range of business lines including Data61, Space and Astronomy, and National Collections and Marine Infrastructure. Prof Huntington also leads major national infrastructure provided by CSIRO on behalf of the scientific community to assist with the delivery of research. Prior to joining CSIRO in November 2021, Elanor was Dean of the College of Engineering and Computer Science at the Australian National University (ANU) where she helped bring about significant transformation within the College and sector.

Marcia Gough

Chief People Officer

Marcia Gough was appointed Chief People Officer in April 2024, and oversees CSIRO’s full suite of human resources, health, safety and environment, and change management programs. With over 30 years of experience in human resources and culture leadership, Marcia has worked across a number of sectors, including, health, education, manufacturing, consulting, telecommunications and high technology. Before joining CSIRO, Marcia held global HR leadership roles at Swinburne University of Technology, RMIT University, the Leica Group, and most recently, Austin Health. Marcia is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors, a Psychologist, and holds post graduate qualifications in Human Resources and Psychology. Marcia also serves as a non-executive Director on the Board of Mental Health First Aid International.

Dr Jen Taylor

Executive Director, Future Industries

The Future Industries Sector delivers a portfolio of high impact research and innovation that supports continued growth and sustainability of Australian industries to secure a prosperous, healthy and resilient future for our people, environment, and region. We work with diverse partners to deliver industry innovation that spans scale (start ups, SMEs and national enterprises) and has a national footprint (regional communities and industry centres). Research and research translation achievements help to ensure that agricultural, health and emerging manufacturing sectors are well positioned to compete globally and deliver socioeconomic benefits locally.