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NovaSAR-1 National Facility Updates


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Hello and welcome to our NovaSAR-1 updates. You have received this because you have had a NovaSAR-1 imaging project, are signed up to the NovaSAR-1 National Facility Datahub or have asked to be kept updated on developments with NovaSAR-1. We will not be sending these updates on a regular basis, but only when we have important news to share with you.

In our Geospatial Intelligence hosted workshops last year, many users expressed a need for data that is easier to use and compatible with other data sources, we are therefore very pleased to announce our latest news below:

Latest News

NovaSAR-1 Data is now available in CEOS-ARD format

Our CEOS Analysis Ready Data compliant Normalised Backscatter Products over Australia can now be downloaded from the CSIRO NovaSAR-1 National Facility Datahub!

Case Study

Mapping flood events across Australia using NovaSAR-1 and Sentinel-1

NovaSAR-1 and Sentinel-1 are two complementary synthetic aperture radar (SAR) satellites that can provide high-resolution and all-weather imagery of the Earth's surface. This study compares flood extent as derived from C-band Sentinel-1 and S-band NovaSAR-1 for both co-polarised and cross-polarised bands.

Read full case study

Tasking Requests

NovaSAR-1 tasking requests

We always welcome requests for NovaSAR-1 image tasking. Whether you are after a single image or a bespoke imaging campaign to use NovaSAR-1 data in your project, please use our tasking request form.

Request Imagery

NovaSAR-1 Data Usage  

Share your NovaSAR-1 Publications

Showing the impact of the NovaSAR-1 National Facility is critical for us to ensure it's ongoing success. If you have links or materials from Journal Publications, Conference presentations, reports, case studies or other content that demonstrates the use of NovaSAR-1 data, please share them with us via email here.

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