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Issue 03: May 2023

Generation STEM has recently launched its #WithSTEMYouCan campaign to raise awareness about the importance of STEM, inspire students and engage parents, families and industry.

The campaign will showcase the diverse and exciting opportunities available in STEM through videos, activities and events. We encourage you to take part in the campaign by recording a video (details below), using the hashtag #WithSTEMYouCan and resharing our campaign stories and videos.

As always, we are thankful to our partners for your support of the program. Please contact the team if you would like to get involved, or feel free to forward this email to others in your network.

Get involved in #WithSTEMYouCan

Lisa Harvey-Smith: With STEM, I can explore the universe and write books to inspire the next generation.

Wayne Humphrey: with STEM, I can work as an automotive technician with the latest vehicles at the cutting edge of technology.

Emma Holder: with STEM I can experiment with new technologies to make renewable energy more efficient and affordabl

Join our campaign

Share what STEM has enabled you to do and inspire students to choose STEM.


Breaking stereotypes and championing diversity

What can we do to bring the benefits of a STEM career to more young people?

Find out more
generation stem links

Retaining STEM talent in the Riverina

Internship programs like Generation STEM Links can assist regional businesses in attracting young talent and providing them with valuable work experience.

Read the story
stem community partnerships program

Engaging students through real-world STEM

Inquiry-based learning is one of the most effective ways to engage students in STEM. Our STEM Community Partnerships Program is making it real for high school students.

Find out more


Acknowledgement of Traditional Owners

CSIRO recognises that Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples have made and will continue to make extraordinary contributions to Australian culture, economy and science and we aim to promote and support the vision of 'A science landscape in respectful partnership with Indigenous Australia delivering innovative, sustainable, holistic solutions to meet our greatest national challenges'.