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Introducing the Space Careers Wayfinder series

Hi there, fellow space enthusiasts!

Whether you're an educator, a student, a space professional or simply interested in this field, we understand that your time is precious and sincerely appreciate you reading this email.

The CSIRO and the Australian National University (ANU) have collaborated to bring you and young Australians the Space Careers Wayfinder series, where we delve into the diverse world of the space industry through real-life video case studies.

[Music plays and an image appears of a side view of a satellite orbiting the Earth, and then the image changes to show a view looking down on the satellite orbiting Earth]

Narrator: Communications.

[Image changes to show a female wearing a space suit, and then the image changes to show two males looking at a spinning world globe on a screen]

Exploration. Knowledge.

[Image changes to show three males looking at the Wombat Space Simulation facility, and then the image changes to show an aerial view of the ASKAP array]

Space is a vital part of Australia’s future.

[The camera pans over the ASKAP array, and then images move through of the CSIRO Black Mountain site, a female and male looking at equipment, and the Gilmour Space facility, and text appears: Space Careers Wayfinder]

The Space Careers Wayfinder is designed to give students an insight into real careers in the space sector.

[Image changes to show female 1 talking to the camera, and then the image changes to show a rocket engine being tested]

Female 1: I work for Gilmour Space. We build rockets and satellites.

[Images move through to show female 2 talking to the camera, female 2 working on a computer, and then a view looking down on a rocket launching]

Female 2: I’m working on getting CSIRO satellites launched and working in space.

[Images move through to show various people working on different pieces of equipment in the space sector and on computers]

Narrator: This video series provides unique interviews with designers and engineers, technicians, communicators.

[Image changes to show male 1 talking to the camera, and then the image changes to show the Australian Space Agency sign]

Male 1: I work at the Australian Space Agency.

[Image changes to show two males talking together]

Narrator: Innovators.

[Image changes to show a satellite orbiting Earth, and then the image changes to show male 2 talking to the camera]

Male 2: We’re developing a new type of spacecraft propulsion system based on my research.

[Images move through to show a female talking to the camera, various teaching resources on a computer website, and a male talking to the camera outside a hut in Antarctica]

Narrator: These engaging videos and teaching resources are designed to inspire and ignite a passion in the next generation.

[Images move through to show a male and female in conversation, female 3 talking to the camera, a view of a multi storey building, a view looking over bushland, and two males looking at rock patterns]

Female 3: So much of what we do is enabled by space, but you need lawyers, you need environmentalists.

[Images move through to show a male seated at a picnic table and talking to the camera, two females looking at a computer together, and then a male looking up at the stars]

Male 3: Space needs the artists. It needs the teachers. It needs the storytellers.

[Image changes to show a close view of the world globe, and inset images appear of a female working on a computer, the Space Centre, and a female holding a drone, and the CSIRO and ANU logos and text appears: Space Careers Wayfinder, the CSIRO and the Australian National University]

The Space Careers Wayfinder, a collaboration between the CSIRO and the Australian National University.

What does a job in the space industry look like?

Through our video series, students can meet professionals who share their space journey, answering questions like: "What does a career in the industry look like?" and "How did they end up in this field?"

These videos are also great for career advisors during those all-important discussions about future career paths.

But we don't stop at videos.

For classroom teachers, we provide downloadable resources designed for educators and students. Suitable for students aged 14 to 16, the resources include individualised curriculum content reflecting each space career professional's role.

So, what now?

We're reaching out with a simple call to action:

  1. Watch our video case studies – they're both informative and inspiring!
  2. Download our curriculum-aligned resources (linked to each video) and the associated Australian Curriculum links, and
  3. If you found these resources helpful, share them with the rest of your network.

Our universe holds mysteries and wonders that we're still unravelling. Let's inspire our students to be part of that journey, discovering new horizons and pushing boundaries.

The Space Careers Wayfinder series provides the compass; all they need is the enthusiasm to explore.

The CSIRO/ANU team