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Issue 7: October 2023

We may be entering the final school term for 2023, but it is not too late to get involved and learn something new with CSIRO Education and Outreach. 

Read on about our free professional learning opportunities in topics such as Big Data, strength-based learning, AI and more. In NSW we are gearing up for some inspiring end-of-year Generation STEM student showcases, and the Young Indigenous Women's STEM Academy has opened a new intake for year 8 students based in NSW, ACT and QLD.

Our Space and Astronomy offerings are out-of-this-world with curriculum-aligned resources linked with our Space Career Wayfinder, and new sessions are open for students to use the Parkes radio telescope remotely to observe pulsars in real time. Information and registrations are also open for a three-day in-person Teacher Astronomy Workshop at our iconic Parkes Observatory in May 2024!

Upskill from the comfort of your computer

FREE educator online professional learning

Want to understand the AI revolution and how it can make teaching easier? How about having students run their own sleep study thanks to experts and resources from the Pawsey Supercomputing Research Centre? In October and November STEM Together is hosting four virtual events covering these topics and more in free educator professional learning sessions which include expert insights, strategies and resources you can use in class immediately. Don’t miss out; learn more and register via the links below: STEM Together is powered by CSIRO and BHP Foundation.

Register now

October and November professional learning events:

Reach for the stars

2024 Astronomy Workshop for Teachers at Parkes Observatory

CSIRO Space and Astronomy are running a three-day Astronomy from the Ground Up! teacher workshop at our Parkes Observatory, home of the iconic Parkes radio telescope, Murriyang, Friday 3 – Sunday 5 May 2024. Participants will enhance their confidence and skills in the astronomical concepts required to teach high school or primary science. Meet astronomers and astronomy education experts, tour the telescope, and learn about some of the latest advances and discoveries in astronomy and space, how to run a viewing night, and how to incorporate real data in the classroom. No background or training in astronomy is required. Bookings open in Term 4 and places are limited - find out more by clicking the link above.

Inspiring next gen mining engineers

STEM Professionals in Schools volunteer and mining engineer Jolene Wraith is busting myths and opening eyes to the opportunities in mining. Find out how she uses question time and fun activities to teach Year 3 students how engineering can offer solutions for safe and responsible mining, as well as tackling some of tomorrow’s greatest challenges.