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Hydrogen Industry Mission


[Music plays and an animation image of a spinning world globe appears and satellites can be seen spinning around the world globe and the camera gradually zooms in on the globe}

Narrator: Tackling climate change means we have to work hard to reduce our greenhouse gas emissions.

[Image changes to show an animation of an aerial view of a solar farm and then the image changes to show an animation of a wind farm]

We’ve made huge strides in the use of renewables to produce electricity but some sectors are harder to decarbonise.

[Image changes to show a Hydrogen tank and text appears: H2 Hydrogen, Zero Emission]

This is where hydrogen comes in.

[Images changes to show an animation of Hydrogen chains, and then image changes to show a person walking past a house powered by H2 power on a busy street corner, and text appears: Zero emissions created]

Hydrogen can be used in a variety of industrial and domestic applications. Importantly, whenever it’s used it produces no greenhouse gas emissions.

[Image changes to show an animation of a world globe with ships moving out from Australia to the rest of the world]

Australia is perfectly positioned to establish hydrogen export supply chains which presents real opportunities.

[Animations move through of a busy suburban street, a busy city centre, and then a person walking along a footpath of a busy street]

It’s estimated that a clean Australian hydrogen industry could create 8,000 new jobs, generate $11 billion in GDP a year, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

[Aminations move through to show a fleet of ships moving through the water, a Hydrogen tank, and then an aerial view of night falling on a city centre and lights turning on in the buildings]

So, with a strong global market pool, technological readiness, and an appetite for the potential of hydrogen, we’re at a critical stage.

[Image changes to show trucks leaving a hydrogen plant]

Challenges remain, however.

[Aminations move through of a coin appearing above a Hydrogen plant, another plant being built, and then an aerial view of a completed Hydrogen plant with a car parked in front of an office building]

Hydrogen is still expensive to produce, relative to current fuels, and using it requires new technology and infrastructure.

[Animations move through to show a female working in a laboratory, three females walking through a laboratory, and then two females working in a laboratory]

CSIRO’s Hydrogen Industry Mission has been created to help focus research and development on solving these challenges to accelerate the development of Australia’s domestic and export hydrogen industries.

[Image changes to show an animation of six people talking to the screen through a window, and then image changes to show an aerial view of a car arriving at a H2 station]

With our partners we’re supporting hydrogen knowledge sharing, informing best practice through feasibility studies, demonstrating hydrogen technologies and infrastructure, and delivering practical research, which helps de-risk hydrogen industry investments.

[Image changes to show an animation of a group of people in conversation while working in a boardroom]

The Mission’s success depends on strong collaboration across industry, research, and government.

[Image changes to show a white screen and the CSIRO logo and text appears:]

For more information on how we’re looking to collaborate, visit our website.

[Music plays]