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We accept standard georeferenced file types including: .zip .xls .shp .kml .kmz .mif .tab .gml .wkt .eof .eef .xml .gpx .json and .geojson

Maximum upload 50 MB

Start date cannot be earlier than the current date.

If unknown at this stage, this can be amended once acquisitions have started

For more information on the modes visit our website

9. Look direction/Antenna pointing Required

For more information visit our website

10. Pass direction Required

For more information visit our website

We recommend including any of the following relevant information:

  • The frequency of acquisitions (Note: The most frequently we can offer images for long-term projects is once per month to allow opportunities for all users.) e.g. monthly/every 6 months
  • If requesting acquisitions at irregular intervals (e.g. to coincide with fieldwork campaigns), the number of occurrences and the date(s) (if known)
  • Any image refinements such as incidence angle limits
  • Additional mode requirements
  • If you have additional AOIs that are not included in the submission
  • Emails of other people to include in communications regarding the request
  • A brief overview of the project considering the following:
    • A summary of the project and any related work or previous acquisitions (including from other satellites).
    • Specific project goals e.g. test a particular hypothesis, or develop a particular method.
    • An explicit statement about how the proposed NovaSAR-1 acquisitions will address the project goal(s).
I have read and agree to CSIRO's privacy policy, legal and copyright conditions. Required