Welcome to the latest newsletter from CSIRO’s Responsible Innovation Future Science Platform (RI FSP).
In this round up from the second half of the 2021, we are excited to share with you our newest RI research projects which resulted from our first competitive call-out.
The line-up includes finding new ways to assess large scale hydrogen production as part of a responsible energy transition, tackling new challenges posed by quantum computing advances, and more.
Three years into our FSP journey, it is fantastic to see the breadth of RI research now being undertaken across CSIRO, including through our FSP. Our four new projects demonstrate how CSIRO is committed to solving the greatest challenges through innovative science and technology, and how RI is playing a role in both new and existing challenges.
We're also sharing some of our recent public engagement activities that have helped promote the visibility of RI.
On another note, I'm pleased to share that the RI FSP has refined its science strategy. We are now developing CSIRO’s RI research and capability around three core portfolio areas:
These portfolio areas will be used to prioritise our ongoing investment and highlight where RI can be deployed for impact across CSIRO’s diverse science portfolio. Thinking about how science and technology is being harnessed for good was also in focus at SGInnovate’s Deep Tech Summit 2021 where I joined a panel discussion on how CSIRO and other global organisations are working to deliver responsible innovation outcomes in both public and private organisations.
Thank you for your continued support and I wish everyone a restful end-of-year break.
Dr Justine Lacey
RI FSP Director
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