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B-roll: Flexible printed solar cells manufactured at CSIRO's Clayton facility.


[Image appears of the CSIRO logo and text on a blue screen: B-roll – CSIRO’s flexible printed solar cells, This package contains b-roll footage of the roll-to-roll fabrication of printed flexible solar cells at CSIRO’s laboratory in Clayton, Victoria, Credit – CSIRO]

[Image changes to show a side view of a researcher looking at a computer screen, and then the camera pans to the left to show a part of the machine in the fabrication process working]

[Camera pans to the right to show a roll of solar film being fed through the machine in the fabrication process]

[Camera continues to move to the right showing the machine putting a coating on the roll of solar film, and then the camera pans to the right to show the coated solar film moving through another box like structure in the fabrication process]

[Image changes to show a view looking into the machine showing the solar film moving through the machine in the fabrication process]

[Camera zooms in on the solar film moving through the box like area of the machine in the fabrication process]

[Image changes to show a wide view of the whole fabrication process, and then the camera pans to the right to show the solar film moving through rollers and then into a bin type area of the fabrication process]

[Image shows the solar film moving through the bin type area and then back onto another series of rollers on the other side]

[Camera pans along the solar film showing it moving through a series of rollers in the fabrication process]

[Image changes to show a close facing view of the solar film moving through the series of rollers]

[Image changes to show a distance view showing the solar film moving through the whole series of equipment]

[Image changes to show a researcher inspecting the solar film as it moves through the fabrication process, and then the camera pans to the right to show the solar film inside a box area of the machine]

[Camera pans to the left to show the researcher making adjustments to the machine, and then opening the lid of the machine and painting a type of grey paste onto a green sheet inside the machine]

[Camera zooms in and then out on the researcher painting the grey type paste]

[Camera zooms in on the grey type paste and then up to show the operator as he paints]

[Image shows the operator closing the lid of the equipment and then restarting the fabrication process, and then watching as the fabrication process restarts]