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B-roll MRS plus NASA


[Image appears of text on a blue screen: Multi-Resolution Scanner, The multi-resolution scanning payload is expected to launch to the Intl Space Station in March to conduct 3D mapping experiments, Research Scientist Lauren Hanson inspects a prototype version of MRS at CSIRO’s QCAT facility in Pullenvale, Queensland]

[Image appears of a close view of a space station simulator, and then the camera pans down to show a six wheeled robot with the Multi-Resolution Scanner mounted on the top] 

[Image changes to show a very close view of the robot and the camera pans up the robot from the wheels to the Multi-Resolution Scanner on the top]

[Image changes to show a medium view of the Multi-Resolution Scanner on the top of the robot, and then the image changes to show a blurry image of the Multi-Resolution Scanner on the top which gradually resolves into focus]

[Image changes to show a facing view of the Multi-Resolution Scanner on the wheeled robot with flashing lights at the top]

[Image changes to show the Multi-Resolution Scanner at the top of the robot, and then the camera gradually zooms out to show the six wheeled robot in the space simulator]

[Camera zooms in on the six wheeled robot to show the Multi-Resolution Scanner equipment on the top]

[Image changes to show a very close view of the side of the Multi-Resolution Scanner and the camera pans to the right across the top of the Multi-Resolution Scanner]

[Camera pans to the left across the top of the Multi-Resolution Scanner]

[Image changes to show the camera panning down the Multi-Resolution Scanner from the top to show the scanning equipment on the six wheeled robot]

[Image changes to show a side view of the top of the Multi-Resolution Scanner]

[Image changes to show the camera panning to the left across the Multi-Resolution Scanner]

[Image changes to show the camera panning down the Multi-Resolution Scanner to show the scanning equipment]

[Image changes to show a close side view of the camera equipment on the Multi-Resolution Scanner]

[Image changes to show a researcher taking the camera equipment out and holding it up to the camera]

[Camera pans across the equipment, and then the image changes to show the camera equipment above the casing it belongs in]

[Image shows the researcher making some adjustments to the camera type equipment and then placing it back into the slot in its casing]

[Image shows the camera panning across the camera equipment in its casing]

[Image changes to show a close side view of the camera equipment in its casing]

[Image changes to show a view looking down on the camera equipment in its casing]

[Camera pans down the front of the casing of the camera equipment, and then the camera pans up and over the camera type equipment again]

[Image changes to show the camera panning down the space simulator to show the Multi-Resolution Scanner mounted on the six wheeled robot next to a tracked type robotic vehicle]

[Image changes to show the camera panning around the space simulator showing the Multi-Resolution Scanner on the six wheeled robot next to the tracked robotic vehicle]

[Image changes to show the researcher making some adjustments to the tracked robotic vehicle]

[Image shows the operator attaching the Multi-Resolution Scanner equipment on to the top of the tracked robotic vehicle, and then the image changes to show a close facing view of the tracked robotic vehicle]

[Camera pans up to show the Multi-Resolution Scanner on the vehicle]

[Camera pans up to show the Multi-Resolution Scanner mounted on the top of the vehicle, and then the camera zooms out to show the researcher making adjustments to the camera equipment]

[Camera zooms in on the researcher making adjustments to the camera equipment]

[Camera zooms out on the researcher making adjustments to the camera equipment, and then the camera zooms in on the camera equipment]

[Image changes to show a side view of the researcher making adjustments to the camera equipment, and the camera pans down]

[Image changes to show a facing view of the researcher making adjustments to the camera equipment]

[Image changes to show a medium view of the researcher making adjustments to the camera equipment]

[Image changes to show a facing view of the researcher looking at the tracked robot, and then inspecting the Multi-Resolution Scanner equipment on the top of the robot]

[Image changes to show a view of the camera panning down from the roof to the floor of the space simulator to show the researcher looking at the tracked robot with the Multi-Resolution Scanner mounted to the top]

[Image changes to show a close facing view of the researcher inspecting the robot]

[Image changes to show the camera panning from the left to the right of the space simulator showing the researcher looking at the Multi-Resolution Scanner equipment mounted on the tracked robot]

[Image changes to show a camera panning up from the gravel surface of the space simulator to show the researcher inspecting the Multi-Resolution Scanner equipment mounted on the tracked robot]

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