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B-roll: Murriyang, CSIRO's Parkes radio telescope


[Image appears of text on a dark blue screen: Murriyang, CSIRO’s Parkes radio telescope b-roll, 00:00 Aerial shots of telescope, 01:00 External shots of telescope, 01:28 Night timelapse of telescope, 05:22 Day timelapse of telescope, 06:13 On the surface of the telescope and approaching tower entrance, 07:02 Control room, 07:49 Observation room, 08:30 Footage of Parkes town, 09:21 End]

[Image changes to show a view of harvested paddocks, and the camera pans over the paddocks towards the Parkes Radio Telescope]

[Camera pans up and over the telescope]

[Image changes to show birds flying around the satellite dish of the telescope, and the camera gradually pans out]

[Image changes to show a facing view of the Parkes Radio Telescope, and the camera gradually zooms in on the dish]

[Image changes to show a close up of the centre of the telescope, and then gradually pans out as the camera view slowly rotates]

[Image changes to show text on a blue screen: External shots]

[Image changes to show the camera following kangaroos bounding across crop stubble towards the telescope]

[Image changes to show a view of a bush in the foreground, and the telescope with the Australian flag flying in the wind next to it in the background]

[Image changes to show a camera view looking directly up at the satellite receiver against a bright blue and cloudy sky, and the camera slowly rotates anticlockwise]

[Image changes to show text on a blue screen: Night timelapse]

[Image moves through to show a timelapse of the telescope lit up at night pointing towards the starry night sky, while the dish follows the Milky Way]

[Image moves through to show a time lapse from a side view of the lit up telescope, while the night sky moves behind it, and the dish slowly rotates, spins and moves as it continues to follow the Milky Way’s position]

[Image shows the sky gradually lightening behind the telescope as the sun goes down in the background]

[Image shows the point at the apex of the dish gradually being lit up as the sky begins to darken and stars appear]

[Image shows the sky darkening and the telescope being lit up at night as it continues to move around]

[Image moves through to show the telescope illuminated and moving around with the night sky in the background] 

[Image shows the dish facing towards the camera, and then rotating and pointing directly upwards and then towards the camera again]

[Image shows the dish continuing to point directly upwards against the night sky, and then turning to face the camera again]

[Image shows the sky lightening up and the stars gradually disappearing as the telescope continues to rotate]

[Image shows the sun’s rays lighting up the telescope as it rotates to the right and then to the left]

[Image changes to show text on a blue screen: Day timelapse]

[Image moves through of a time lapse view looking up at the telescope and station from the ground as the dish moves and rotates throughout the day, and the image slowly moves left]

[Image changes to show a side view of the telescope and station pointing up on an angle to the left as clouds and shadows pass over the telescope]

[Image change to show a close view of long dried grass in the foreground, and camera moves up to show two telescope dishes pointing up to the sky]

[Image change to show a medium view of two telescope dishes pointing up to the sky, and the day darkens in a time lapse as clouds cover the sun]

[Image changes to show text on a blue screen: On the dish]

[Image changes to show a close view of inside of the dish, and a male can be seen climbing onto dish via a trapdoor, and image moves to the left]

[Image changes to show a close view of a male climbing out of the trapdoor, and then closing the trap door]

[Image changes to show a wide view of the male walking away from the camera up a path to the receiver arm platform]

[Image changes to show a wide view of the male walking towards the camera up a path to the receiver arm platform]

[Image changes to show a medium view of the male speaking into a receiver at the receiver platform]

[Image changes to show a rear view of three workers walking towards the base of the telescope, and then the image changes to a side aerial view that moves down as the workers enter the telescope]

[Image changes to show a close view of the CSIRO logo on a window]

[Image changes to show text on a blue screen: Control room] 

[Image changes to show a room with a computer and control system hardware, and the camera zooms in on a male making adjustments on the control system hardware]

[Image changes to show a close view of part of the control system hardware, and the camera moves around to the right to show a medium view of the male making adjustments on the control system hardware]

[Image changes to show a close view of the control system screen graphics wave, and the male pressing buttons and checking the screen] 

[Image changes to show a very close rear view of the male pressing buttons and checking the control system graphics wave form screen]

[Image changes to show an even closer view of the control system screen graphics wave moving]

[Image changes to show a close view of the screen monitor for weather control, and then image pans out to show a male talking and pressing buttons on the screen]

[Image changes to show a rear view of the male using controls on the control system hardware]

[Image changes to show text on a blue screen: Observation room] 

[Image changes to show a slanted close view of the “Astronomers Room” wall, and three workers can be seen in the background sitting at their desks]

[Image changes to show a medium view of the three workers sitting at their desks talking, and the camera pans out]

[Images move through to show a close side profile of a male worker, a rear view of a female pointing at a computer screen, and the female’s side profile]

[Image changes to show close rear view of two males talking and looking at computer screens, and the camera moves to the left to include a female too]

[Image changes to show a close front view of a male looking at a computer, and camera moves to the right]

[Image changes to show a close view of a computer screen with “Parkes Pulsar Online Monitor” and graphs on it]

[Image changes to show text on a blue screen: Footage of Parkes]

[Image changes to show a side aerial view of “Parkes” sign, and the camera zooms along above the sign, and traffic drives past on the road beside the sign]

[Camera gradually pans up until it shows an aerial view over the road and fields]

[Image changes to show a close view looking up at the “Parkes Shire” sign]

[Image changes to show an aerial view of the Parkes township and cars can be seen driving around the township]

[Image changes to show a slanted close view of the steps of the “Sir Henry Parkes” statue, and the camera pans up the statue to the head]

[Image changes to show a close view of a large fountain surrounded by flowers and a fence in a park, and the camera pans around to the left] 

[Image changes to show a bird’s eye view of a park showing four pathways leading to the fountain in the centre surrounded by water, flowers and a fence, and the image rotates as it pans out]