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CSIRO Hydrogen Refuelling Station B-Roll Package


[Image appears of a map of Australia with a pinpoint on Melbourne]

[Camera zooms in and then symbols of a car, truck, ship and fuel pump appear linked by lines and H2 symbols and text appears at the centre: Net zero by 2050]

[Camera zooms in on the car symbol moving along and then the image shows the car moving into a Hydrogen fuel station]

[Image shows the car fuelling up and then moving to the left of the screen as the camera zooms in]

[Camera zooms in on the exhaust pipe to show water droplets dripping from the exhaust pipe, and text appears: Only water is expelled]

[Images move through of fast motion footage of the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility in construction]

[Image changes to show a view looking down on the completed Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility]

[Symbols of solar panels and wind turbines appear in the foreground linked by a dotted line to the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility, and text boxes appear: Hydrogen dispenser, Electrolyser, Hydrogen storage tanks]

[Image changes to show a facing view of a CSIRO car pulling into the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility]

[Image changes to show a side view of the car in the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility, and then the camera pans around in an anticlockwise direction]

[Image changes to show the Renewable Hydrogen Refueller and the camera pans around to show the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility, and text appears: Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility]

[Image shows symbols inset inside circles of a person, and a turning cog behind a factory]

[Image shows the symbols rotating and then the image changes to show the CSIRO, Swinburne University of Technology and Victorian Hydrogen Hub logos below text: Helping to build Australia’s clean hydrogen industry]

[Image changes to show fast motion footage of the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility in construction again]

[Image changes to show a view looking down on the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility]

[Image changes to show a car pulling past the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility]

[Image changes to show a close view of the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility]

[Image changes to show a wide view of the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility, and the car can be seen performing a three point turn and then pulling into the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility]

[Image shows the car reversing into position]

[Image shows the “Renewable Hydrogen Refueller” sign on the side of the facility]

[Camera pans along to show the CSIRO car in front of the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility]

[Camera pans around to show a facing view of the car in the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility]

[Image changes to show a view of the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility again]

[Camera pans to the left to show the car in front of the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility again]

[Camera pans to the left until the CSIRO Renewable Hydrogen Refueller sign can be seen again]

[Camera pans along until a laneway can be seen along the side of the Hydrogen Technology Demonstration Facility]